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AP says Florida #18 this week


VIP Member
Wow....I can't believe the Gators dropped that much. I mean really. It wasn't like Georgia ran all over them or ran the score up on them or anything. Granted Georgia played a good game, but come on. And yes I realize they were only ranked at #20 before this game but to move them to #10.

I guess I will just never get this AP ranking stuff.:confused: ;)


Hayley Loves her gators
Well, my opinion on this, is something I never agreed on since they started it, but computer rankings are OFF there not consistant, and there overall status with me, SUCKS!!! Florida shouldn't have fell that much!! They use to have the AP which is sport writters and the UPI was coaches, in other words The AP sports writters voted or maybe they still do but the UPI was coaches and they voted, I may have them backwards but thats how it use to be done .

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