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A Bonus Blog because, well, I felt like it

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Woke up this morning, felt like blogging about basketball. So here’s a bonus Four From The Floor:

1. Florida’s win Tuesday night at Tennessee was another resume builder but, more importantly, a big step towards winning its seventh SEC title and sixth under Billy Donovan. It was also a win over a Top 50 RPI team so I looked up the top 10 teams in RPI and their records against top 50 teams (RPI in parenthesis).

(3) Syracuse 6-0.

(7) Wichita State 3-0.

(2) Arizona 8-1.

(5) Florida 6-2.

(4) Villanova 4-2.

(9) Michigan State 6-3.

(6) Wisconsin 5-3.

(10) Kentucky 3-2.

(8) Duke 4-3.

(1) Kansas 8-6.

Kansas gets a lot of love from RPI because it has played the toughest schedule. Florida still has, of course, Kentucky twice, it’s only remaining games against current top 50 teams.

2. When the NCAA’s response to Chris Walker and his penalties were handed down I wrote on Twitter that gator fans should be happy it was only 12 games. But we will wonder what he’d be like now if he could have received some valuable playing time in some of those blowouts that preceded his debut. Right now, it’s difficult for Donovan to get him on the floor very much, especially when his bigs are playing at a high level. On Tuesday night, Walker played only five minutes and didn’t score. He committed two fouls and two turnovers, but did get three rebounds. He helps this team, but it looks like it might only be minimal help this season.

3. It was another bad night for the SEC with Tennessee, which is right on the bubble, losing a great chance to get a big win, and Ole Miss also losing. One thing about Anthony Grant’s team is that it continues to play hard. Tuesday night’s win came in front of a crowd that was scared off by an oncoming ice storm and a four-game losing streak so it wasn’t that big of a home advantage. But the Tide managed to win and the loss for Ole Miss, three days after a big win over Missouri, was as deflating as banked-in 3-point shot.

4. Congrats to Larry Shyatt, who has missed several games with a viral infection, for his Wyoming team’s big win over San Diego State Tuesday night. It snapped a 20-game winning streak for the Aztecs. Wyoming is only 85th in RPI because of nine wins against teams ranked 150 or higher in RPI.

Source: GatorSports.com - Dooley's Desk

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