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Gameday: 10/01/16 Gators at Vandy


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Hate to say this, but we DESERVE to lose this one. And it's once again on the coaching staff, ultimately.
That was Muschamp offense all the way
Pick for us to take it in their end.
IF we don't pull another "snap away the game" play...


VIP Member
Well my mother and dad are die hard Georgia fans. I told them today I say this once a year go Dawgs. We need Tennessee to lose plus I hate Tennessee worse than any team.
Bright side the 8 o'clock game should be great.
Just think guys if you watch the game we almost had Lamar Jackson lol. Yeah I know I know insult to injury.
Still love my gators even though this season has been like most of the past, hi expectations only to be let down early.


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Man, this FEELS like a loss.
We "hung on", basically.
Against Vanderbilt.
We are a middle-level team, with what at the moment appears to be uncertain, at times AIMLESS coaching--Since DelRio went down there has seemed little plan out there.
Our D is pretty good, obviously--but they are being worn down weekly.
It just won't do. This is somewhat LESS than where we thought we'd be at this point. Maybe that's unfair--clearly it was unrealistic. But Mac had damn well better take the risk of beginning to think in terms of what's best for NEXT year's team and season. A lotta "win NOW" fans won't like it if/when it costs us a coupla games we "MIGHT have won"--but we look like crap on offense already much of the time ANYWAY.
OK, if Luke's ready to come back now you play him. But otherwise, time to get at least ONE of those true-freshman qbs some real game experience, while keeping the redshirt on the other. BOTH moves would be with "The Future" in mind, albeit in diff ways.
I find I am waiting for our Head Coach to do some things that re-establish confidence that he IS thinking of the future of the team and program.
It has been fully established that we are not even CLOSE to being a Championship-caliber team, not ready to even "develop INTO one" yet. Not THIS year: we don't have the parts--and maybe not the coaching either: THAT question is back in play, once again open to debate. Mac and staff need to examine themselves, their team in its present constitution, and their prospects--what they"ve got, what they need, and what they're gonna DO about it all. "Play it safe" and I predict we'll make
little progress--and eventually we'll be looking for ANOTHER "new Head Coach".
From what we're seeing right now, quick and clear, even dramatic improvement will be required to avoid our having to start all over AGAIN by season-after-next, latest.
"Bite the bullet, TAKE SOME CHANCES, AND KICK ASS ON THE RECRUITING TRAIL, Coach!". Or suffer the sad consequences. "Sad" for everyone.


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Well my mother and dad are die hard Georgia fans. I told them today I say this once a year go Dawgs. We need Tennessee to lose plus I hate Tennessee worse than any team.
Bright side the 8 o'clock game should be great.
Just think guys if you watch the game we almost had Lamar Jackson lol. Yeah I know I know insult to injury.
Still love my gators even though this season has been like most of the past, hi expectations only to be let down early.
You said it ALL, brother.


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OK. Just a coupla more notes before we call it a wrap...
First, wanna talk about our offensive scheme, its talent and over all outlook rest of THIS season:
I havta go back to something I noted in passing earlier--that we need to just pick TWO RBs to carry the main load and give em a chance to find a rhythm, get in the flow of the game and wear their D DOWN! Different folks might argue WHICH two, but it almost doesn't matter in practical terms--we can always change off later if one (or BOTH!) isn't getting it done. But this "committee" is getting at BEST "uneven results". There's more talent there than has been even CLOSE to being tapped--and our D NEEDS them to show it.
Don't know yet if Del Rio's gonna be back this week, but if not I think it's time to start getting at least ONE of the "promising talented freshmen" some week-of-game practice and in-game work regardless. Try n keep the redshirt on one, but get some scripted series ready for and with the other. It's time: Help charge the offense struggling under Appleby alone, and begin to get a current "back up" (who one way or another will someday be a "potential starter", eventually compete for the top job) some real work and ready to play, help the team.
Finally, all of the above, indeed everything and MORE is dependant on good coaching, and though I'm not ready to desert the Mac-ship, I AM pretty close to that point with Nussmeyer. I'm starting to think maybe he was more responsible for Michigan's floundering than he managed to evade public blame for--and is in the process of putting the same "Gutless" stamp on OUR (non-)attack.
There has been ZERO adjustment offensively at the halves last two weeks when it was required, might well have made the difference in the Tennessee debacle. I HATE the "shorten the game" strategy he seems to approach EVERY situation with on offense. That was Muschamp's mantra, the whole of his "offensive strategy" (and yeah, it sure was "OFFENSIVE", right?)--and it's killing us now. Sickening to watch, too. And it puts way too much wear'n'tear pressure on an otherwise fine defense that has been predictably getting worn down in the 2nd half, when (as we saw again today) we are left "hold on" as the whole of our "plan for victory".
We just don't look very good. Either the supposed "philosophy" and resulting "gameplans" are poorly conceived in the first place, and/or we aren't even recruiting as well as our "2nd-tier" rankings in that area last coupla years would indicate. I think both are the case, and BOTH are all on our COACHING.
So "make the difficult decisions, Coach Mac--take the bull by the balls and do it NOW: Try and make us BETTER, ASAP!"
You either do it now, risk all to (eventually) win big--or lose in bits and pieces, slow death.
Not a ride we wish to share with you. We've seen enough of it last few years.


VIP Member
OK. Just a coupla more notes before we call it a wrap...
First, wanna talk about our offensive scheme, its talent and over all outlook rest of THIS season:
I havta go back to something I noted in passing earlier--that we need to just pick TWO RBs to carry the main load and give em a chance to find a rhythm, get in the flow of the game and wear their D DOWN! Different folks might argue WHICH two, but it almost doesn't matter in practical terms--we can always change off later if one (or BOTH!) isn't getting it done. But this "committee" is getting at BEST "uneven results". There's more talent there than has been even CLOSE to being tapped--and our D NEEDS them to show it.
Don't know yet if Del Rio's gonna be back this week, but if not I think it's time to start getting at least ONE of the "promising talented freshmen" some week-of-game practice and in-game work regardless. Try n keep the redshirt on one, but get some scripted series ready for and with the other. It's time: Help charge the offense struggling under Appleby alone, and begin to get a current "back up" (who one way or another will someday be a "potential starter", eventually compete for the top job) some real work and ready to play, help the team.
Finally, all of the above, indeed everything and MORE is dependant on good coaching, and though I'm not ready to desert the Mac-ship, I AM pretty close to that point with Nussmeyer. I'm starting to think maybe he was more responsible for Michigan's floundering than he managed to evade public blame for--and is in the process of putting the same "Gutless" stamp on OUR (non-)attack.
There has been ZERO adjustment offensively at the halves last two weeks when it was required, might well have made the difference in the Tennessee debacle. I HATE the "shorten the game" strategy he seems to approach EVERY situation with on offense. That was Muschamp's mantra, the whole of his "offensive strategy" (and yeah, it sure was "OFFENSIVE", right?)--and it's killing us now. Sickening to watch, too. And it puts way too much wear'n'tear pressure on an otherwise fine defense that has been predictably getting worn down in the 2nd half, when (as we saw again today) we are left "hold on" as the whole of our "plan for victory".
We just don't look very good. Either the supposed "philosophy" and resulting "gameplans" are poorly conceived in the first place, and/or we aren't even recruiting as well as our "2nd-tier" rankings in that area last coupla years would indicate. I think both are the case, and BOTH are all on our COACHING.
So "make the difficult decisions, Coach Mac--take the bull by the balls and do it NOW: Try and make us BETTER, ASAP!"
You either do it now, risk all to (eventually) win big--or lose in bits and pieces, slow death.
Not a ride we wish to share with you. We've seen enough of it last few years.

That ride has taken its toll on me


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(Btw--just noticed what's happening (again!) with Tennessee against Georgia...I'm just getting scores relayed to me now so I have no idea how the game is actually being played, but it sure LOOKS like they're coming back in the 2nd half again...Huh? Well, just got word--from a Bulldog on my crew here-- that UGA just quick-struck a long TD pass on em to stop the apparent onslaught, least for now...If we coulda done that even ONCE in the 3rd qrtr against them, well...'Course, they got Eason back there under center--I really wanted to see US get him, we NEED that kind of talent to step in and grow with a young offense, but I get the idea this OC woulda done, KEEP doing what he did no matter WHO we had back there...Well, like the grandparents said, not my natural inclination, but for now, "Go Dogs!")


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Well, Vols def seem to have "the fates" workn for em this season..
Thing is, I hate to see them finding even MORE joy after last week, but ya gotta admit: UGA found a way to lose to em in an even worse fashion than we did...
They get buried in 2nd half almost as bad as we did, surrender big lead, then come back on Hail Mary that seems to bail out Kirby Smart and coaching staff (hell, whole TEAM) with 10 seconds left on clock after their numerous mistakes on field AND sidelines, penalize themselves to midfield with one play left--and then give up theor own (NOT-so-) Hail Mary to lose at very end.
Now THAT beat even our sad choke job.
Look, I find it hard to believe this Gator squad was gonna be playing for any kind of Championship by the end of the reg season anyway, let alone doing much against the Saban Suckers in the Georgia Dome in December...so at this point I suppose any residual hopes that were just dashed are somewhat balanced by (1) knowing that, bad as we are,we might well be able to beat BOTH Georgia and FSU (wish we were facing both, one then the other, next coupla weeks--both teams and their fans'll still be in "stunned and disgusted"-mode), and (2) the evidence that it isn't just US who are "missing something" and hence got suckered that way after all.
"Misery loves company", especially in the SEC. Everyone else, well they can just go f themselves. I don't EXPECT them to get it.
OK. This is one f'ed up season, all around, and yeah, I am probably just one more f'ed up and completely twisted Gator.
( But I am ready to make another "deal with the devil" to see us return to glory sometime soon...How bout y'all? Who's out there that fits that role?!! )


VIP Member
Anyone think have Del Rio back for LSU is going to matter? Also I hope the D puts up a brick wall against Fournette (but that probably won't stop him either).


VIP Member
Anyone think have Del Rio back for LSU is going to matter? Also I hope the D puts up a brick wall against Fournette (but that probably won't stop him either).

Yeah looks like lsu is rallying around the interim coach, bad news for us. I really don't know where we go from here?Watching Louisville play and getting sick thinking about how we should have Lamar Jackson in orange and blue.


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Anyone think have Del Rio back for LSU is going to matter? Also I hope the D puts up a brick wall against Fournette (but that probably won't stop him either).

Well, it IS in The Swamp, anyway...and if we have ANY chance at all it is with DelRio back in at QB. Not just his skills, but it seems "Hang On" Nussmeyer calls a different offensive scheme and gameplan with Luke in there.
That, plus the question of how things settle in on that squad with their longtime leader gone, will largely determine what kind of chance we have. Remember, the "honeymoon" will wear off soon enough--they have endemic problems over there and they didn't suddenly become world-beaters with Miles' exit.
Look, given the team we actually turn out to have, at the state in their ongoing development we now can realistically assess them to be, have to grant that had this been the TIGER team they were expected to be this season we'd probably have as little chance as you fear--but given everything that's happened across the college football world already, how absolutely weird this season has already been, well--I don't EXPECT any kind of "dominant Gator performance", by any means, but I don't know that LSU is any kind of juggernaut on any given gameday, Fournette or no. Who KNOWS what we'll see from either squad?
Like you, I suppose I "EXPECT" a Gator loss, another 2nd-half, wornout defensive fade courtesy of another unimaginative and highly penalized Gator offensive performance...but if Luke is back, the team re-energized and our OC gets in the spirit of it all and pulls his head outta his ass, well maybe our D actually gets a breather here and there and can still do its thing in the 2nd half...OK, that's a whole lotta IF's but, hey, it COULD happen.
LOL. 'Course, as the saying goes, "Lizards could fly out my ass, too!" I'll leave it to you which outcome is more unlikely.


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...and regarding Jackson and ALL the young budding stars we "SHOULDA" had, well, clearly they are WAY too numerous to shrug off...but while there's nothing we can do about THOSE guys, we sure as hell can damn well expect our present braintrust to get it right and GET THEIR MEN from here forward. THAT'S what'll ultimately get us where we want, NEED to go.


VIP Member
Yeah looks like lsu is rallying around the interim coach, bad news for us. I really don't know where we go from here?Watching Louisville play and getting sick thinking about how we should have Lamar Jackson in orange and blue.

Can't blame you, I think that one coach should have recruited Tyrod Taylor (who was a five star recruit) instead of Brantley.


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Can't blame you, I think that one coach should have recruited Tyrod Taylor (who was a five star recruit) instead of Brantley.
I'll never understand recruiting brantley when you run a spread offense.
Yes--Recruiting has left a LOT to be desired for several years. More than ever, though, we face an uncertain future that rests on whether we can finally rise to the challenge: "Who ARE the key potential playmakers coming in?"
Gotta identify them (it's NOT always the over-hyped guys on the lists published by these "recruiting services", of course, either), then get 'em. Both finding and bringing them in has as much to do with developing sincere relationships, in the end as much finding the right "fit" as just going and getting the guy that "everyone" is saying is the best out there. The last coupla Meyer-staff classes were very highly "ranked", but subsequently flopped on the field--in fact, they included some of the very guys you mention.
As for the question itself, either of you heard anything? I know the long, difficult work goes on, but I haven't caught wind of any "can't miss prospects", at qb, rb or anywhere ELSE, offense or defense, that we are hard after--and it worries me. But maybe that's a GOOD thing...After all, whatever we were doing wasn't bringing dazzling results: we haven't generally been WINNING that "battle" of late--and it didn't pan out the last few times before that when we did (witness Brantley et al). A different approach and/or set of criteria may be in order overall. The REST of the college football world has been pulling all KINDS of great talent out of Florida during that time--right outta our backyard!

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