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A gift from Schiano?

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Gator Nation has been all abuzz since the news broke Thursday that Rutgers coach Greg Schiano has taken the head coaching job with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Many are assuming that Schiano’s departure has opened the door for the Gators to step in and steal five-star defensive end Darius Hamilton from the Scarlet Knights.
My advice on that is this: calm down because there’s a good chance it’s not going to happen.
Certainly, Schiano’s stunning move will give Hamilton and his family a lot to think about over the next few days, and it obviously gives the Gators a boost in their attempt to sign him next week.
But here’s one thing to remember about Hamilton’s recruitment: He’s favored the home-town school (Rutgers) for a long time for one reason and one reason only — the opportunity to stay close to home and play college football in front of his family. It’s never really been about the chance to play for Schiano.
Schiano is moving to Florida. Hamilton’s family is not.
The Gators may have a lot to offer Hamilton (big-time program, chance to play early, chance to play in the best conference in college football), but Florida is not home.
Rutgers is.

Source: GatorSports.com - Robbie's Playbook


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Super Moderator
Is Hamilton the only kid from Rutgers we were after? I suspect he IS the one, who's name I'd forgotten, that a number of recruiting "experts" had either "close" or "leaning towards" the Gators--hence, my question. In fact, if he's the one, then a number of those "ratings-charts" votes on where he was going already had him with the Gators BEFORE today's "surprise" from Schiano...Judging by your background info, that seems a bit premature in retrospect--and as you point out, still not as likely as it first seemed when I heard the news this early-aft. Ah well...we look to be OK at DE with what's already committed, it turns out--much better than things looked just a couple of months back...still, one more "bookend", a GOOD one too, able to rotate 'em in on both sides, and more: sure would be a nice addition.


VIP Member
As a Bucs fan, I pissed they got Schiano over NFL experience coaches. Really leaning towards being a Dolphins fan.


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
As a Bucs fan, I pissed they got Schiano over NFL experience coaches. Really leaning towards being a Dolphins fan.
Not so sure the Dolphins got the guy they needed either--and that mgmt. down there continues to flounder (at least that's how it looks from far away)... the Bucs do seem mired further back in THEIR "decline and fall and (someday? when's it coming?) buildback-cycle", though...


VIP Member
Not so sure the Dolphins got the guy they needed either--and that mgmt. down there continues to flounder (at least that's how it looks from far away)... the Bucs do seem mired further back in THEIR "decline and fall and (someday? when's it coming?) buildback-cycle", though...

At least the Dolphins hired a guy with recent NFL experience.

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