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Great Game


Gator Fan
Must say this first: We were all enjoying every time the camera would show gator women in the stands. :wub: Just WOW!

What a game our two teams played last night. Against all odds, both teams really stepped up and played hard and left it all out on the field. Obviously I am very proud of LSU. I would hope that most are you are proud of Florida as well.

Best of luck to y'all for the rest of the season!



Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Thanks! I would say I was definitely proud of both teams in the 4th quarter. Both teams were making the SEC look bad for about three quarters. It's not the end of the world, since there exists a finite possibility of winning the SEC East, but it will take some growing up if we are to beat our Ol' Ball Coach.

BTW as an engineer, I love that in the trick play the placeholder pretty much had to calculate the exact bounce with no margin of error to make that play work. Or he was lucky. Again, I'm an engineer so I don't really believe in luck.


VIP Member
BTW as an engineer, I love that in the trick play the placeholder pretty much had to calculate the exact bounce with no margin of error to make that play work. Or he was lucky. Again, I'm an engineer so I don't really believe in luck.

That was NOT supposed to bounce.
It was a bad 'flip'
I can think of at least three times I have seen LSU run that play.

Here is one, run correctly vs Spurrier & USC

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8bYrkXof_s"]YouTube - LSU football vs South Carolina SC fake FG TD Colt David[/ame]


Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
I'm sorry, but while you guys are patting yourselves and each other on the back, it just seems you're very studiously ignoring how mediocre both teams really are right now, courtesy of our respective coaching staffs, mostly--and OUR staff is the less imaginative of the two! Meanwhile, all I'll say about "luck" is that by definition it will tend to "even out" over time, and that particular "two-edged blade" is a BITCH!
What LSU fans want and expect from their program now and in the future is their own affair; what WE expect here in Gator Nation is for our young team to steadily improve, to grow together as individuals and parts of a whole that is greater than the sum of those parts.
Urban Meyer himself made that the goal and achieved it; it continues to be the standard by which we judge ourselves. Even the most naively optimistic Gator fans can accept the idea that this year's team isn't ready, not even close--but to see denial in the words and deeds of the coaching staff is by various turns infuriating, frustrating, depressing, and just plain stupid.


Gator Fan
It was at least a fun game to watch. Honestly though, how many of us didn't know that it was going to be a fake FG attempt. I can't believe we fell for that.

And thanks for a classy post Tigalaya.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
That was NOT supposed to bounce.
It was a bad 'flip'
I can think of at least three times I have seen LSU run that play.

Here is one, run correctly vs Spurrier & USC


I can't take anything away from LSU's trick play. Whether it was supposed to bounce or not, the special teams god, Urban Meyer, was bamboozled and our team did not see the obvious fake before the idiot sports announcer called it. Whether it was drawn up that way or not, it showed that they deserved to win because they made a last-second adjustment, expanded their playbook, and executed by skill and luck. We lost because we cannot do all of those things. People tell me to calm down, it's just two losses, and we can still win the East. I would buy that if our offense were not ranked 92/120 teams and our defense ranked 45th or so out of 120. Those ranking don't count for the polls or even the SEC East race, but they are a decent measure of execution. Alabama lost, but showed its execution level is among the elite. Our level of execution is not commensurate with our athleticism, speed, or talent. Even the horrid Texas Longhorns execute better than us and will probably lose more games!

LSU and Florida are average, but LSU beat us fair and square. Blame it on missed calls, but we had three other quarters to execute and avoid letting the refs or "luck" determine the outcome of the game. I'm not a sore loser about the LSU game--they won. I am an angry loser, hoping the Gator coaches acknowledge that there is a problem. It looks like we will have to lose a couple more games before the know-it-all fans can say "told you so".

P.S. Thanks for the nice post, Tigalaya. The Tigalaya forum is full of mostly classy LSU fans. Nice site.

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