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Nick Saban on Coach Meyer


Gator Fan
I'm definitely liking Saban these days more and more. Real class act towards the Gators and his opponents.

and O-town, how bout da Bears last night?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Saban is definitely classy nowadays. Someone remind me--how in the opinions of the blogosphere did Urban Meyer go from being classy to being a heel and Saban from heel to hero? What am I missing?


VIP Member
As a Dolphin fan, I don't share everyone else's opinion of him having class.

Running the franchise into the ground due to his coaching and awful decisions (e.g. picking Culpepper over Brees), lying about leaving the Dolphins, and sneaking out of South Florida unnoticed so he wouldn't have to answer questions when the news broke told me what I needed to know about the man's character.


Gator Fan
As a Dolphin fan, I don't share everyone else's opinion of him having class.

Running the franchise into the ground due to his coaching and awful decisions (e.g. picking Culpepper over Brees), lying about leaving the Dolphins, and sneaking out of South Florida unnoticed so he wouldn't have to answer questions when the news broke told me what I needed to know about the man's character.

Yeah I hear you. And I don't blame you. If somebody had pulled that crap on the Bears, I'd be ticked too. But from an outsider's view, it just seemed like business as usual to me. Somebody made a good offer for a lot of money, and he took it. Something a lot of people would do.

As far as lying about it and sneaking out of town, I guess it's just how you interpret on what he did and why he did it that way.

But I hear you, I don't see how any loyal Dolphins fan could forgive him.


VIP Member
As a Dolphin fan, I don't share everyone else's opinion of him having class.

Running the franchise into the ground due to his coaching and awful decisions (e.g. picking Culpepper over Brees), lying about leaving the Dolphins, and sneaking out of South Florida unnoticed so he wouldn't have to answer questions when the news broke told me what I needed to know about the man's character.

agreed. the things I hear him say about UF and what not make me think he is a great guy.. then the flashbacks hit to Miami.. and erases any respect i just gained for him.. *grumbles*lying sack of shit..

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