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Meyer: ND not a option.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Here's a link to the vid of his presser where he made that clear: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=4682614&utm_source=bleacherreport.com

To Peter Kerasotis, Paul Finebaum, Andrea Adelson, Tim Brando and all the others who can't seem to understand that Coach Meyer is not leaving Gainesville: STFU. Florida is now Coach Meyer's dream job; the Gators are clearly his team now and will be for some time to come. Based on the recruiting efforts so far as well as the success of our season to-date, that tells me that Meyer is firm in his commitment to UF and meant what he said this past summer.

And as far as Kerasotis and Adelson are concerned, being Florida alums as they supposedly are they both ought to be ashamed of themselves. And another thing, Andrea - as much as you think your asinine rumors are "magically delicious", they're far from that - they, and YOU - are utterly disgusting.

Some Florida fans who don't think Meyer's telling the truth need to look at themselves in the mirror as well. He already turned ND down once, and there's no way that Shelley wants to pack up and move her family up north.

It's time for the media to cut all this crap; it's an exercise in futility on their part. Same applies for those nincompoop fans as well.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Meyer doesn't want to deal with fans punching his QB


Well don't know if that happen in Gainesville Did it?

The way the media is nowadays, if Jimmy Clausen walked outside and passed gas, ESPN would have made sure it was newsworthy.

Anyway, I hope this media hack has finally seen the light: http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2009/nov/24/david-moulton-urban-meyer-finally-convinced-me-hes/?partner=yahoo_feeds

Hey George Diaz, how 'bout bopping that idiot Adelson over at the "Slantinel" one - she's still being a stinker: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/en_fuego/2009/11/meyer-has-found-the-promised-land-_-its-gainesville.html

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