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Hey Gators! 'nother Sooner fan

Yeah. No need to mention how much we both love our football. I, along with many of my fellow Sooners, are always interested in chattin with fans of other teams. I just hope none of our retarded Sooner fans find this place and ruin it for everybody.


VIP Member
Well, if they do - we are use to it. We have had Georgia and Alabama fans that act like 4 year olds come in here and act immature. So, we are prepared.
i loooked at the alabama foums and there were florida fans act stupid too

Yah that was because this past week they trolled the living S** outta our boards so i mocked them for a lil while then got bored. But some Gator fans went overboard on it, But hey they talked a storm before the game and we returned the favor.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Yeah. No need to mention how much we both love our football. I, along with many of my fellow Sooners, are always interested in chattin with fans of other teams. I just hope none of our retarded Sooner fans find this place and ruin it for everybody.

Welcome to Gator Envy, hope you enjoy our community!

Not to worry - if we catch anybody over here trolling or causing trouble, we'll deal with them.

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