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Official Game Day Thread: Seminoles @ Gators - 11/27

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our WR coach must really suck cuz our QB's can never seem to find an open guy downfeild and we havent created any real playmakers over the last 2 yrs

god i miss the spurrier days when we were known for awesome WR's and a great pass game


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Super Moderator
One last thing: while it hasn't been the play calling that is the main problem here on offense today, it HAS been the actual PLAY, on both offense and defense, as individuals and as a (so-called) team, that is unacceptable in every way. We keep being soundly beaten by teams that aren't anymore talented than us. THAT'S on the coaching.
I have to tell you: this is the worst possible scenario being displayed out there today. This team is worse off than I thought, and deteriorating rather than coming together. (Brantley overthrows another one in the redzone--right into triple coverage and an interception--BUT "HE GRADES OUT A CHAMPION", right? Right???)
That may be the most frustratingly disappointing half of football that the Gators have played this year--which is SAYING something.
Gator Nation: How bad does it have to get?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
One last thing: while it hasn't been the play calling that is the main problem here on offense today, it HAS been the actual PLAY, on both offense and defense, as individuals and as a (so-called) team, that is unacceptable in every way. We keep being soundly beaten by teams that aren't anymore talented than us. THAT'S on the coaching.
I have to tell you: this is the worst possible scenario being displayed out there today. This team is worse off than I thought, and deteriorating rather than coming together. (Brantley overthrows another one in the redzone--right into triple coverage and an interception--BUT "HE GRADES OUT A CHAMPION", right? Right???)
That may be the most frustratingly disappointing half of football that the Gators have played this year--which is SAYING something.
Gator Nation: How bad does it have to get?

I took some notes on how bad it needs to get, but I 'effing BURNED IT ALONG WITH THE 'EFFING COUCH, THE TV, AND MY MOTHER-IN-LAW. Holy crap this is pissing me off.....calming down now.......

look at as a good thing we need this loss to keep people asking for a new OC very loudly and get it in the offseason

really makes you wonder how our practices could of got so shitty since strong and mullen left tho cuz it doesnt look like we practice very well


VIP Member
Lets see Meyer spin this loss and yes i believe we will lose. Ever F$%king game its the same crap we hear during post game. My favorite is when Meyer said " I'm not about blaming I'm about fixing whats wrong"The new Meyer is a joke this staff is a joke and I am afraid at this point our program is a joke. I hope SOW destroys us and I hope we get killed in a bowl game. This staff doe not deserve any kind of gratitude at the end of the season. We deserve to go out on a losing effort our seniors need this as well. The real senior class left last year.The sad part is that Meyer seems to be in it and yet we still look like shit. WTF is going on in Gainesville?


Gator Fan
about to turn off the TV, can't stand watching this sh*t anymore
This team is the worst I've seen in years. This team has no confidence in ANYTHING. I lost all confidence to even get to field goal range. Defense just came all apart and sucks ass. Brantley is a horrible quarterback.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I am going to watch every painful minute of this garbage, so that one year from now I can say "I saw this happening, and I see it happening again" rather than talking out my ass like the "fans" on other forums. Besides, I need to see what the crap is that is wrong so I can analyze it for myself. I won't call those forums out by name, but there are too many fans talking crap without knowing much of anything.
meyer needs to start looking at himself and his fellow coaches cuz we look totally unprepared and we have no fight. we just look soft smh

WTF have the coaches been doing all yr? might as well just clean house

and we definitely need a outside hire for OC thats for sure i dont want any dumbass that has anything to do with the 2010 gators calling our offense next yr


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I won't go as far as saying to clean house. I'm pissed off at Urban Meyer today, but look around and tell me who is available now to replace Urban Meyer? Who could step in and fix this by next year? Nobody I can think of...other than Urban Meyer and an improved team. I do wish the OC position could get fixed somehow, but I don't see it happening. Meanwhile, our defense looks like crap. Nobody is calling for Teryl Austin's head.


VIP Member
Why does meyer not see what the rest of the fans and most sports analysts see.addazio sucks. He has single handley sunk this program to depts even zook could not take us to. He lacks any kind of creativity, emotion or knowing what the hell he is doing. Meyer defends this guy as if he owes him something. Meyer has let down this team. Us fans the school and over all program. We have not gotten any better this late in the season and the blames has to go on the coaches. Meyer constantly blames players for ot being able to learn plays,being in the dog house, not showing up. He sounds sounds so much like a broken record is starting to get scary. He may be truly delusional. I give meyer much respect for what he has created the past 5 years but what he has done this year is truly horrible. He needs to wake up and take a look ion the mirror. He has no one to blame for this mess but himself. He has put friendship above everything and sunk this program. I just hope recruits don't jump ship seeing how bad he has become. The new meyer deserves no breaks. He needs to get back to what made him successful. He he refuses then he needs to be sent packing.


VIP Member
Austin looks bad as well. At suspect he is not allowed to play some of the freshman he truly wants to. Why trattou and lemmens play is beyond me. We have wy better athletes on this team.
yea defense looks bad but honestly i think they have no faith in the offense at all so

and yea meyer plays his seniors over the better players too powel was killin it last week he shoulda started at DE


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Paraphrase from the announcer: "It's hard to imagine an Urban Meyer team lacking discipline on offense, defense, and special teams. Florida has built a kingdom in athletics with football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, softball...maybe it can afford one down year with football. It's still hard to fathom such an undisciplined team on all phases of the game."

How true. Lack of discipline is what lets the game get out of hand. Well, that and sucking so bad.


VIP Member
We sucks we suck meyer sucks addazio sucks this teeam sucks this year sucks. Can we just forfeit the game.no reason to risk an fsu injury at this point.
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