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Muck Bowl biggest game of the season


Gator Fan
The game will feature at least a dozen players who are Division I college prospects, including Pahokee's Chris Dunkley, one of the nation's top-rated wide receivers.

"Back in the early '90s when I played, we didn't have as many as they do now, and for alot of guys, they knew it was their last game," Grantlin said.

It was not long after Grantlin graduated in 1992, however, that college recruiters began flocking to Belle Glade and Pahokee looking for speedy players such as Fred Taylor and Reidel Anthony. Then along came Pahokee's Anquan Boldin and Glades Central's Santonio Holmes, who squared off against each other in last year's NFL Super Bowl.

Glades Central, which leads the Muck Bowl series 16-8, and Pahokee each has won six state championships, but winning the Muck Bowl is as important to the players and the fans in both communities as collecting a state championship trophy.
I'll bet nu'keese wishes he could go.....
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