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How many NCs will we win this century?


VIP Member
We won only 1 National Championship in the 1900s, and have already won 1 NC in the 2000s. Just a fun little game here, how many National Championships will we win by 2100?

My guess is 13, that's at least 1 a decade with a few more popped in there.


VIP Member
The Mayans predicted in 2012 that the world would end, but I'm not buying it.

I think 10-15 Championships in the next 93 years would be awesome.


VIP Member
Tim Tebow can win us 3 more.
Tim Tebow Jr. can win us 3 more.
and Tim Tebow III can win us 3 more.

So that's at least 9.


VIP Member
1..... jk:)

Seriously, that's a good question. You can never tell what the state of a program will be 90 years from now. I mean, look at Yale. 100 years ago they were the biggest thing in college football. Or Notre Dame who before 1919 were a rinky-dink school. Look at both schools now.

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