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Will other SEC teams be good?


Gator Fan
I was just wondering if there is gonna be any exceptionally good teams next football season. I've heard that georgia will be but what about any other SEC teams?


Hayley Loves her gators
I personally don't think georgia will be all that great, I mean I'm sure they'll have there automactic W's, But as for the SEC, This conference is so unpredictable who knows, I do know this we're going to be really good, It's hard to say just "who" is going to be good.
Georgia: They are proven. Polished QB, big game RB, experienced defense. Will beat teams on both sides of the ball. 11-1, maybe 10-2.

Alabama: Other than their wideouts, is there any true talent at their skill positions. I think they are a year or 2 away from powerhouse status. 7-5, maybe 8-4.

Auburn: Not sure about Kodi Burns taking over that offense right now. Could have some growing pains. Always a good defense though and will probably beat Alabama again. 9-3, maybe 8-4.

LSU: So who is their QB now? I'm not sold on LaFell and Holliday becoming big time primary receivers (Holliday I think is Xavier Carver v2). 9-3, maybe 8-4.

Other than Florida (I refuse to predict my own team due to my own bias), nobody in the SEC is worth mentioning).


VIP Member
Georgia: They are proven. Polished QB, big game RB, experienced defense. Will beat teams on both sides of the ball. 11-1, maybe 10-2.

Alabama: Other than their wideouts, is there any true talent at their skill positions. I think they are a year or 2 away from powerhouse status. 7-5, maybe 8-4.

Auburn: Not sure about Kodi Burns taking over that offense right now. Could have some growing pains. Always a good defense though and will probably beat Alabama again. 9-3, maybe 8-4.

LSU: So who is their QB now? I'm not sold on LaFell and Holliday becoming big time primary receivers (Holliday I think is Xavier Carver v2). 9-3, maybe 8-4.

Other than Florida (I refuse to predict my own team due to my own bias), nobody in the SEC is worth mentioning).

Carter is faster than Holliday.

And Carter is 6'3" and Holliday is 5'5".

As you can see, big difference between the two. FYI.:Banana: :Banana:


Hayley Loves her gators
I just think georgia will let all this talking from fans, media ect...go streight to there heads, and get beat a few times. I mean wheather it's basketball, football whatever when a team is mentioned alot and get all this publicity, they seem to fail..hopefully the samething will happen to georgia :D ;)


VIP Member
You guys are forgetting about Mississippi State they went 8-5 last year (including at Auburn and Kentucky and against Bama) and Vandy can surprise as well.
You guys are forgetting about Mississippi State they went 8-5 last year (including at Auburn and Kentucky and against Bama) and Vandy can surprise as well.

I have zero doubt that Mississippi State and Vanderbilt will beat a number of teams they aren't supposed to (certainly will in fact). In fact, after looking at Mississippi State's schedule (Vanderbilt, Tennessee, and Kentucky from the East), they could very well be contenders. The reason I didn't mention them is because of South Carolina last year.


Super Senior Member
georgia is definetly the proven team with good record last year and a bowl win

florida needs to step up their D and avenge our losses from last season... we should have finished strong and been either 1 or 2 in the next pre-season rankings, but that was georgia instead


Gator Fan
You guys are forgetting about Mississippi State they went 8-5 last year (including at Auburn and Kentucky and against Bama) and Vandy can surprise as well.
Yeah. You bet! I went to the uk/miss st. game with my cousin in lexington. It was uk's homecoming. My cousin likes uk but i bought a miss st. shirt to wear. It was an embarrassing home team upset! I go to alot of SEC football games with different family members, but the gators are the only team that i am truley a fan of!

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