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Will NCAA hammer Ohio State worse than the Gators did in 06?


VIP Member
I'm thinking yes especially if they punish schools that weren't on the radar Georgia Tech, West Virginia, and LSU hard. I'm thinking they're punish Ohio State, North Carolina, and others harder.


Gator Fan
HAHA... love the title! And I would be SHOCKED if Ohio didn't get a punishment on or greater than USC. I mean USC had 1 guy and they got DESTROYED. Ohio had multiple guys, head coach lying to the faces of the NCAA... going to be a blood bath or I am calling BS on the whole situation.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
No. The NCAA does not apply its own rules with any semblance of consistency and fairness.


VIP Member
It doesn't look like they are. It's sad that they won't punish the big schools. Maybe I shouldn't said because Florida could have gotten the death penalty easier as SMU did (probation in 1984 and in 1989). I worry for UNC and Oregon because they're not that big football successfrul traditional as THE Ohio State.


Gator Fan
Yeah this is complete BS. They pretty much gave them a slap on the wrist. Way to continue to promote your double standard NCAA!


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No. The NCAA does not apply its own rules with any semblance of consistency and fairness.
I'm more and more afraid that E- is right: clearly they are neither consistent nor fair, and they seem loathe to really hit the "iconic" big programs with punishments that fit the "crime" (in some cases, you don't even need the quotes). Even USC didn't get hit as hard as they could have been, considering their blatant use of ineligible players and other major transgressions, and if there's one thing we've learned from the last year or two (look at Auburn: that ridiculous "loophole" for his admittedly cheating father, cash solicited for goodness sake, and now months later and we still haven't heard another word about it) it is that there is no consideration of precedent, the seriousness of particular violations OR how pervasive the culture of "corner-cutting" is at a particular member school if it is one of these "elite programs".
The NCAA is well on its way to having rendered itself irrelevant. Who knows if Ohio State will be assessed further penalties beyond the ridiculous little smacks it gave itself (again, look at Auburn, where they basically BOUGHT a BCS Championship that they didn't EXPECT to get to keep officially, and didn't CARE--but STILL haven't even had to pay THAT silly after-the-fact price!)? At OSU, they keep tying off the tourniquet higher and higher up to stop the bleeding--finally had to sacrifice Tressel, but it obviously goes all the way up to the TOP, beyond the AD, for sure. Their arrogance is breathtaking, but I have no confidence that the NCAA will call them to account.
It's the same old story: the list of perennial powers is the same as the list of known blatant cheaters. You can get to the top without completely compromising an institution's integrity, but you can't STAY there year in, year out without going "over the line", from what I see. Even the best-run programs will have relatively "down" years while they retool, reload, get into position for another run at the very top. There are too many "forces of entropy" working against you for it to be any other way--unless of course you have an "edge", some way of ensuring you get some guys you wouldn't normally have gotten or kept if you played it straight, given the aforementioned forces at work. That is what NCAA-enforcement is/was supposed to be there for--and HASN'T been for some time.


Gator Fan
Ohio State will never get the same punishment that USC did. That is because the NCAA is two faced and only likes to do things off the cuff and erratically at best.

I hope the buckeyes get smacked down to china town, just because I am tired of their soft schedule in the Big 10 resulting in a National Championship berth every single year.

I am also tired of their stupid stickers on their helmet, and their crappy stadium with obstructed views...

OK, I'll admit it, I just am tired of Ohio State in general, F Them.


Gator Fan
The whole Ohio state situation is laughable. I cannot believe they ONLY got a slap on the wrist. All the Ohio State honks are pounding their chests and gloating for the most part. So crazy the double standards that exist in the NCAA.


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UNC is following the "Big School Parade"--keep shucking guys higher and higher up, and eventually "they" will be satisfied...they've gotten to Butch and figure that oughta do it, "Just like OSU", but then again, they're NOT OSU, so maybe they should worry...Talk about a game of Russian Roulette! And what ever happened with Auburn, Cecil et al?!!
I'm with everything y'all have said here: I have long especially despised both USC and OSU for their shared general arrogance AND specific separate details regarding each of their programs (their mascots, their stadiums, their students' and alumni's empty smugness, "Travellor", "dotting the i"--the list goes on and on)--whereas I just can't get that worked up about UNC (about the worst thing I can think of is that that's where Mack Brown made his name and rep...beyond that, I have always secretly suspected that they REALLY might fit better in the SEC). Certainly they seem to have violated NCAA rules less extremely and in fewer numbers of cases than the other two.
Nonetheless, you get the feeling that the way the NCAA has "run things" (or in fact glaringly failed to do so) these last few years, it would be UNC that they go after in a big way. Hope I'm wrong, and (EVENTUALLY) they actually stick it to the "big boys" at LEAST as hard as they do the Oregons, UNC's, and who knows?--maybe the Auburn Tigers and their "Purchased 2010 BCS Championship, Brought to you By Gene Chizic and the Boosters Who Own His Soul".


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I had always wondered how the NCAA ranks how special the schools are in the face of sanctions. Did tOSU pay the "Get of of NCAA sanctions fee", but USCw did not? What about Auburn? How much does it cost to get on that list? I doubt UNC can afford that bribe--they are not as rich as their Duke neighbors are they?


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(BTW, I like your use of small letters to clarify which similarly-letter-grouped-school you refer to, always a point of potential confusion. Nice. Will use it myself henceforth.)

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