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Upset alert


VIP Member
Trevor Matich from ESPN has Bama vs. the Gators as his upset alert. I think the D should stop Bama's offense. The problem is Brantley and the O against that D.


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Trevor Matich from ESPN has Bama vs. the Gators as his upset alert. I think the D should stop Bama's offense. The problem is Brantley and the O against that D.
That IS the problem. I've talked a lot about it; so have others. We've come to varied but overlapping, in many ways quite similar conclusions. For myself, I'm moving on to begin envisioning ways we could win this thing, in SPITE of the challenges, our apparent weaknesses, their seeming strengths and our match-up problems. We DO have some strengths, too, and some unknowns that, should they turn out to be viable alternatives after all, could be the "edge" that, if you'll pardon the expression, "turns the Tide" (sorry, couldn't resist it).
However, I'll leave the opening salvo to YOU, LF: From your one sentence, it is difficult to tell whether you think that we DO have ways around and/or out of that "problem", or that you think it is insurmountable for this QB and his receivers, leaving our offense without enough firepower. What, if anything can we do?


Gator Fan
to beat bama Florida has to contain Richardson and start finishing tackles so far in the first half they haven't done any of the we need some presence on the running aspect and keep the ball in the air I think a win tonight isn't out of the question but right now the way the offense is playing I say the game is almost out of reach

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