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this is ridiculous.


VIP Member
if UF does not wake the hell up we are going to lose this game.

Dropped passes, missed feild goals, fumbles. you got to be kidding me. Can the oline block please.


Gator Fan
I'm not worried we have depth at linebacker...what I'm most worried with are the miscues we should be up 21-0....let's not celebrate the ole miss anniversary with a repeat preformance...I do believe we will score on this drive


VIP Member
lets recap.

Dropped INT.

Missed Field Goal.

Dropped potential TD.

Three fumbles.

and its not half time.


VIP Member
this is horrible urban get some playcalling going and offense get your head out of your ass,looks like the zook years right about now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


VIP Member
Three things irk me about this game so far:

Dropped Cooper pass

Brandon James' fumble would have been no big deal if he only fell on the ball instead of trying to pick it up and run with it.

Not falling on the fumble on Arkansas' kick off return that set up their half ending FG. Again, we tried to pick it up and run with it.


VIP Member
If we make it to the SEC Championship and we play like this, Alabama is going to run over us. Not sure what is wrong with this team, but it's not the Championship team from last year.

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