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The big dance!!


VIP Member
hell yeah! I was worried the computers would try and keep us out of it. Harris poll came through to outweigh anything the computers might have tried to pull

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
I knew that if we beat Bama, everything would fall into place for us. Just like it was back in 2006, we were in the right place at the right time when all was said and done.

GO GATORS!!!!!!!


VIP Member
why isnt the AP poll involved? its the most accurate since 1/2 the coaches do not watch most of the games.

I think the owners/creators of the AP wanted to protest the BCS or they disagreed with it, so they refused to let their poll be used in the BCS formula. I think the Harris Poll was created to replace the AP.

I could be wrong, though.

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