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Should Peck be fired?


VIP Member
The Gators women's hoops team sucks. There's no nice way to put it. They're 6-14 overall, and 0-5 in SEC play. They sucked last year too.

What is contributing to their poor success? Why can't they land recruits? Whenever we see awful team performances, it is almost always the coach, in this case Carolyn Peck. Maybe it's time for her to go?

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
I don't know what is wrong with the women's hoop team. A lot more was expected when Coach Peck signed to coach at Florida and she hasn't delivered at all. I think it may be time for a change here. UF excels at so many sports and there is no reason we shouldn't excel at women's hoops as well.


Gator Fan
I agree. We should show her the door. She seems like a nice person and all, but she must be a horrible recruit. I imagine our women's team has better facilities than just about any other program in the country. The name Florida practically sells itself. She must be doing something wrong.

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