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Percy Harvin may miss the entire Spring


Gator Fan
They're saying he hopes to be ready for the fall.

This just sucks. Even if they are being precautionary, you never want to see one of your best players hurt before the season even starts.


Gator Fan
This sucks. All we can do is hope he'll be ready for the opener. Which he really should be since it's like 6 months away.


VIP Member
If we have a running game (outside Tebow) and a decent defense, we'll be fine as long as Harvin is back by the UGA game.


Gator Fan
He'll be fine. I bet their just being cautious. No sense rushing your best playmaker on to the field in practice when it doesn’t mean much. He knows the system and will be fine.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Rest Harvin for spring practice, but make sure he's getting good therapy and could be ready for the fall season. Like Leakfan said, we have an arsenal of receivers for Tebow to target out there - Cooper especially needs the reps after being injured for a good part of last season, and he's shown potential as a good deep-zone target for Tebow to throw to.


VIP Member
How many of you read the article?

Let me digress with some copying and pasting.

"It's obviously not going to affect the fall," coach Urban Meyer said. "It might affect the rest of the spring. They're going to get a second opinion."

We've treated it as tendinitis. It might be something more than that."

Harvin put in more time in the weight room and became one of the team's strongest players at his position. He opened spring practice around 200 pounds and hoped to avoid further injury.

Sounds like to me that too many people are "worrying too much."

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