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Pac-10 wins conference cup


VIP Member
although i dislike the Pac10 it looks like they earned it, regardless of the level of competition in the bowls 5-0 is impressive.


VIP Member
If that's how the Conference Cup is determined, that's wrong.

Games played on or after New Year's Day should be weighted more. Look at the ACC. They had 10 bowl teams, but yet only 2 played on January 1 or later (Clemson and VT). That should make their 4-6 record look even worse.


VIP Member
If that's how the Conference Cup is determined, that's wrong.

Games played on or after New Year's Day should be weighted more. Look at the ACC. They had 10 bowl teams, but yet only 2 played on January 1 or later (Clemson and VT). That should make their 4-6 record look even worse.

unfortunately thats how it is. keep in min i dont think this is all that prestigious of an award. not like a NC trophy. still it would be nice if they modified how the conference cup is won.

Gator Duck

Gator Fan
Yeah, but...

The Bowl Challenge Cup is an ESPN creation. Originally, there was a sponsor involved but that's gone by the wayside.

On the truly negative side, if you listed to Musburger's constant butt-kissing of USC / Pete Carroll / PAC10, it was as if that damn cup meant more than the BCS trophy.

Also it is much more difficult to 5 of 5 than to win 100% of 6, 7 or 8 games.

Another point. The Utes had a big point to prove, while for Bama, this was merely a consolation game. The Bowl Challenge Cup assumes all bowl games are equal and that both teams are glad to be playing in it. How many times have the Gators done poorly because we felt slighted by a lower game or disappointed because we missed out on one of the big ones?

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