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Official Game Thread, Week 10: #13 Florida Gators 17, Missouri 38 (HC), November 3, 2018

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And that is why. Crap. Could feel it coming.
Crossroads, Gators. How MUCH did last week take outta you? Their QB is (a whole LOT) better than ours (ours missed TWO easy chances at TDs on OUR possession). So it falls to EVERYONE ELSE, on BOTH sides of the ball, if we are to somehow take this one back and gain control. Our crowd is sitting on its hands now, too. They need to get really loud when we're on D...Guess our team will have to find some way to INSPIRE them. Not like that. Shit: HAD to get that 1st'n'short, but didn't. With even an average major college QB, we coulda gone for a fake'n'long pass for a big play there--but NO WAY with Franks.


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Here's how this one is shaping up already, I am sorry to say:
We are getting BEAT.
EITHER the D pulls it together, turns this around NOW--or we'll be down 2 scores and sinking FAST.


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In fact, I'll go this far: Either we stop this now, or I will probably cut out for awhile.
I do NOT believe we are in any sort of condition (we look PHYSICALLY tired and listless out there--but I am talking much more about our mental/EMOTIONAL "condition") to "come back" from more than a single score down today. THEY look like the better, more confident and higger energy squad out there so far--and on BOTH sides of the ball.
Mullen has shown a great capacity to have his team respond to such adversity--but if the players aren't "hearing", doesn't matter what you say to them...and long as Franks is the QB, we are FUCKED far as the pasding game. He's having a bad game even for HIM!


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If you wanna shot at winning this game, Coach, after a 50 second 3 and out we hand it back to them and they are immediately deep in our end, gotta start thinking about putting Jones in there. Didn't want it to come to this, not today--but there's a bloen coverage, the easy TD pass and we are about to be skewered at pur own HOMECOMING.
This is turning into one of those worst case scenarios: Looking more and more like one of those "gettin' beat TWICE in The Cocktail Party"--'cause so far we haven't really SHOWN UP today--and this ain't Vanderbilt...If our defense keeps playimg this way these Tigers will keep scoring....and WE will be embarrassed. He happens to be breaking a bunch of OUR best QBs records today.
This is hard to bear. I see NO SIGN that there is any change--either in Franks' play OR the way this offensive game is being called.
Again: Franks throws it long and out of bounds. Punting time again.
We can NOT win with Franks in there: NOT TODAY. He is having an off day even by HIS mediocre standards. In fact, this has turned into a demo of how really poor his "low end" really IS. And the longer we continue in this direction, the less chance we'll have to come back with someone else--there won't be TIME, we'll be so far behind--I'm telling you, that is where we're headed right now.


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He's the one who created it. If you can't or won't play someone else, then at least begin wearing them down with your running game--while you still might score enough that way to stay in it. HE HAS MISSED EVERY BIG THROW--not just today, either, but pretty wrll the whole year.
I love Dan Mullens, but I don't like this, and I son't UNDERSTAND it, You have him (over)throw long again on erd and 1, then take the delay of game tryimg to draw them offsides? THAT'S your plan now?
I just can't watch this much longer. It just feels like we are waiting to lose. I used to get that feeling regularly under the various Coach/OC combos we had before this one--but not so far with DM & Co. It os noth fristrating and ENORMOUSLY disappointing. See? Their QB makes the throws ours can NEVER make. We are fucked here. Unless D takes it away here, we'll be down multiple scores and on our way to ignominious (in fact terrible) home defeat. We are getting whipped EVERYWHERE.


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I am turning off sound before they score here. No, too late.
I believe we have waited too long to make the QB change. Franks' inneffectiveness got an already "off somehow" Gator D too tired, too early--now the crowd is FULLY quieted, and nothing short of some amazing, historically rousing rally will even get us back in this game.
I don't claim to HAVE any suggestions as to what to do: But I'm not being PAID something like $6 million per year to pull that kind of thing off.
Something missing in execution all over the field--but that being so, the QB position is a full on liabiliy today.
At the very least, I wanna see this team tighten things up, work themselves back INTO this game. Defense not allow another point. But THAT still leaves an ineffective offense being mismanaged by a mediocre QB on his worst day yet. I DO NOT BELIEVE FILLIPE FRANKS CAN LEAD THIS TEAM TO VICTORY FROM HERE.


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Yeah, Franks runs it in--but so what? Now, IF we can somehow get a takeaway on D and grab some MORE unanswered points before the half...


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...No, unless Mullen and Co. come up with something great--and unless that "great" includes something besides Franks trying to carry us with his arm--we are going to lose this one in frustrating and embarrassing fashion.
Tell me I'm wrong.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
What is it about Missouri that brings the worst out of the Gators? This is crap. McDeathThreats level crap.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Feleipe Franks is going to be Dan Mullen's downfall. The Gator Nation is going to turn on Mullen if we do not see him put in a new QB: Trask, Jones, or a random fan in the stands.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The Gators are probably not going to win, but Kyle Trask looked good on that touchdown drive!


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Again: pressure didn't get there--and Lock makes the throw our QB never does.
Say goodby to the Big Bowl, guys.
I am now officially in favor of canning Franks entirely. Put Jones in as many "best learning scenarios" as you can, play TRASK rest of the time. Franks is "experienced backup" AT BEST--and unless he wants to transfer to someplace like Jacksonville or the like, it's not like he's going anywhere.
Might as well start "NEXT Year" NOW--and start looking at whetger we might grab one of those potential "transfer-ins" from elsewhere--there are gonna be some GOOD ones, looks like.
But here comes "cannon-arm, cannon-accuracy" Franks back in--though for the life of me, I can't see WHY??? TODAY he is "3-and-out-Franks", too.
Now they incur 30 yards in penalties at the end of the play--I think that'll be the punter's 2nd personal, meaning he is out after all. We are quitting in the Missouri game AGAIN.
In fact, things are now at a point where we have effectively LOST THE GAME BY THE MIDDLE OF THE 3RD QUARTER.
When they score again and we get the ball back, WHY NOT PUT SOMEONE ELSE IN AT QB??? I mean, we are now well on our way to crashing OUT of the Top 25...
Isn't it TIME to begin looking at next season? This one just turned sour IN A HURRY. Now Joseph down. Oh, MAN, is this a depressing WILT of a performance.
I have to say, I didn't expect this from a Dan Mullen-coached team. Not a full on collapse in every phase of the game--even poise and composure.
OK--I'm done: Not just watching this one, but in trying to understand and support our Head Coach's choice to stay with Franks as long as he did. 9-for-22 here for 80 yards, but it isn't just about today. No--Jones may be the future--but even Trask can clearly throw it infinitely more accurately than Franks. We're too far down now for our tired D to somehow do all it'd have to do--even IF Trask had an amazing game rest of the way.
In fact I am going to repeat it, I feel so strongly about it by now:
Franks has had MORE than enough chance to take and lead this team the restcofcthe way; instead, he has REPEATEDLY shown himself to be bereft of even MINIMUM accuracy required of a QB at a major college football program...and it is absolutely ridiculous to contnue having to worry about "his feelings", having to "nurse his confidence" at this point.
Look at Trask out there. Would the fire have been put out had he just been sent out there back in the 1st half--when we could SEE Franks didn't have it early (in fact, from his early overthrows of an open Jefferson streaking for the endzone TWICE in the FIRST quarter!).
So now we goyltta HOPE the D can finally shut Lock down here, get us tge ball bach and give Trask chances to at least pull us closer--otherwise you can bet Franks'll be starting again NEXT game. For what ever reasons" right or wrong, Mullen is inclined to KEEP him his starter THIS year, anyway. Count ME now among the "ANYONE but Franks" crowd. In my view, he is at the center of our sinking prospects once again.
I don't believe it: CRAZY GATOR TD???
IS THIS HAPPENING???!!! No--you watch: They will call this against us--either a "catch and down there", or an incomplete. But they DIDN'T blow a whistle-- and they called it a TD...so let's see...Yep. They took it away from us. Almost a glimmer of hope there. Sigh. That kind of day. What did we really expect?
Back to my RANT:
Time to sit Franks. I just cannot stand to watch another missed open WR on the overthrow from him. We will NEVER be a good offense with Franks as our starting quarterback. Period. Whatever the deeper reasons for Mullen's stubborn loyalty, it is ben for naught--a failed "experiment".
And now that we are playing for a SHIT BOWL, why NOT begin our search and prep for NEXT season? Because watching what we've seen from the Franks-led offense by now is just a frustrating WASTE of time and energy.
OK OK... I know: I've long since made my point, am going on and on in probably orritating fashion. I even anticipate (and will understand) Escambia94 and others' arguments to a certain extent supporting Franks, and Mullen's reasons for continuing to support and bolster him. It's just that (aside from the one where if he were to say something along the lines of, "For complicated reasons we have no choice", and I was persuaded somehow that this was after all TRUE) by now, at this point I disagree--I now believe that from here, Franks is a liability: He is in the way.
Even these dumbass announcers are now (as I write this) saying essentially the same thing...Concluding the discussion with, (one guy) "Isn't it WEIRD how Florida, since Tebow, cannot, HAVE NOT found the one guy who can lead and properly run this Florida offense?"...(other guy jumping in) "...And this is FLORIDA! Multiple Heisman Trophy winners, great offensive coaches, and all the rest--Somehow they haven't found or developed even ONE really good one..."
Yes. Take it from their longtime fans: IT IS WEIRD. TOO "weird". Now we have the right Coach, a guy they call "the Quarterback Whisperer"--he gets stuck with a VERY limited and emotionally fragile guy as his "Number One", and while he makes progresss with him, that only seems to keep him locked in a strange "promising but not QUITE good-enough" treadmill-of-mediocrity.
For the sake of your team, its future and everything else, Dan: YA GOTTA JUST BITE THE BULLET AND MOVE ON.
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