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Michigan is really bad


Gator Fan
Oregon is whoooping them. :Banana:

They keep running state of liberty plays all over the wolverines.


VIP Member
Oregon scores again!!!! 32-7 ! And it's not even half time.

Wow, Michigan is was so over rated coming into this season.


Gator Fan
honestly, the App.St. game doesn't look that great now does it! Michigan looks as bad as FSU and that's pretty bad. What has happened to the quality of college football? I am going to pencil in Florida vs USC right now.


VIP Member
Were all the Michigan players sleeping tonight? I mean 0-2 right off the bat. Is there any chance for redemption? They sure aren't a number 5 team anymore are they?


VIP Member

Look out Michigan....here comes another nightmare!!!! or 2, or 3, or 4?
Did you hear Hart GUARANTEE a win next week?


Gator Fan
Look out Michigan....here comes another nightmare!!!! or 2, or 3, or 4?
Did you hear Hart GUARANTEE a win next week?

Yep, but then supposedly backed off when he heard Henne will probably miss the game vs ND....

Personally, I am loving that both Michigan & OSU look pretty bad this year. OSU barely beat Akron on Saturday, so right now the top two teams in the conference appear to be Wisconsin & Penn State, and either team could be easily beaten by a top three team in the SEC or Pac 10.

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