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Major Wright Update


Gator Fan
ChicagoBears.com senior writer Larry Mayer sits down with general manager Jerry Angelo to discuss the most pressing issues involving the Bears on the first and third Wednesdays of the month during the offseason. This unique feature will provide you with inside information directly from Jerry that you can’t get anywhere else.

Safety Major Wright was selected by the Bears in the third round of the NFL Draft.
LM: How is rookie safety Major Wright progressing and do you see him winning a starting job?

JA: He’s billed as advertised. He’s a great kid who’s very competitive. He brings a lot of emotion and energy to the group, which is great to see. He’s getting better with each practice. There’s going to be a learning curve at all positions for rookies, probably more so in the secondary because there’s much more going on at the safety position. But he’s doing a fine job. The coaches are very pleased with the way he’s progressing, particularly with his work habits. In terms of whether he’ll start this season, the players and coaches will determine that, but we’re very excited about seeing him in pads.

AK Gator

Gator Fan
Good for Major for impressing his General Manager during the off season. Nothing wrong with playing like a rookie when you've only been a pro for a couple of months. It's great to see stories of Gators impressing their new teams with their work ethic.


Gator Fan
the only fault i ever had with major was that he went for the big hit instead of the INT. However, when he made the big hit and jarred the ball out......fantastic. I do think his career ints at UF could have been higher.

AK Gator

Gator Fan
He was far from being the prototypical player at his position, but as part of the defenses he was on he was able to get away with playing like that most of the time. Even though I agree with you, I'll play Devil's Advocate and suggest that his presence as someone who would just lay you out as opposed to going for the ball could have softened up the play of receivers as games progressed which made his job, and the secondary players as a whole, much easier. I have no instances to cite mind you, but I figured I'd throw out one potential benefit of his style of play in the secondary.

Regardless, he was a player the fans loved and he was part of one of the meaner defenses in Florida lore - even if he could have played much better - so I think him for that and wish him well in the big leagues.

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