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K.I.S.S. (Kyle Trask for Heisman)

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Okay, I WILL:
Kyle Trask and our offense is “ALREADY THERE”!
Never mind what the (apparently blind or determinedly stubborn) “other half” among the “media experts” are STILL saying (some of them don’t even MENTION Trask today: They are still comparing just TWO GUYS on THEIR oh-by-the-way-favorite-TEAMS in their view vying for “one and two in the Heismann race”); Meanwhile OUR incomparable QB-1 is steadily putting together a Classic Heismann run, as he leads what has already grown into an OFFENSIVE JUGGERNAUT and gets better game-by-game!
No, the ONLY question remains on DEFENSE—and THAT continues to be “a work in progress”.
They ARE getting better—but not always and not yet enough. Oh, by the other night I saw us starting to “reach down and pull out enough to do what needed doing WHEN IT NEEDED TO BE DONE”, but though that was enough to bury a dangerous Arkansas, we’ll have AT LEAST the likes of Bama and probably Clemsen to control and stymie if we are to get to and WIN a Natty THIS season.
So. This is where it “gets simple”, at least to “theoretically forecast”:
We MUST continue to grow WELL PAST just being able to MAYBE rise up and stop them if/when we absolutely NEED to...No, we must, at SOME point, begin to anticipate and control opponent’s offenses BEFORE getting into a “shoot out”with them. Because THEY will be trying to do EXACTLY the same thing to us—and MAY already currently already HAVE THE players, plans and momentum to get that done! Oh, those squads have shown THEIR “cracks”, “flaws” and weaknesses too, but I certainly haven’t seen enough from OUR defense yet to feel much confidence in OUR ability to exert such “protection and control”!
If we wanna take that next step—not just “GET there” but to WIN IT ALL if and when we DO, then we’ll HAVE to spend the balance of our scheduled games not just winning but further fully developing what will have to become an evolving, more competent and reliable DEFENSE too—If not match our offense, then at least “hold its own” when out there.
“What does that MEAN?”
Well, I can only say at this point, “Hey—I’ll know it when I see it...and we’ve hardly ‘seen it’ yet, let’s face it!”
Y’all may have your own ways of seeing and/or describing the situation—but you do know what I MEAN, I’m sure...


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The consensus around the country is that the Gator offense has arrived and can only be matched by Alabama in terms of known or assumed opponents on their remaining schedule. The sports pundits are also quick to point out that Alabama's defense is quietly having a disappointing year. The Bama defense is #47 in total defense, while Florida is #62. What is the difference between 47 and 62? 0.6 YPP allowed and about 30 YPG allowed.
  • Alabama #47, 6 games, 432 plays, 2335 YD, 5.41 YPP/A, 16 Off TD/A, 389.2 YPG/A
  • Florida #62, 6 games, 407 plays, 2468 YD, 6.06 YPP/A, 22 Off TD/A, 411.3 YPG/A
Now compare the offenses. What is the difference between the #3 most efficient offense and the #7 most efficient offense? 0.6 YPP and 40 YPG.
  • Alabama #5 Total Offense, #3 Off Eff, 419 plays, 3331 YD, 7.95 YPP, 34 TD, 555.2 YPG
  • Florida #12 Total Offense, #7 Off Eff, 417 plays, 3070 YD, 7.36 YPP, 34 TD, 511.7 YPG
The Gator offense is not simple at all, despite folks calling it an Air Raid offense. The Gator offense may be referred to as the Gator Raid, but it is far from an Air Raid because the Gator offense does need somewhat of a running game to open up passing routes and it has a lot more formations and personnel groupings. The Gator defense is also not simple, which is why it can be beaten when there are a lot of young players on the team. Grantham basically runs a 3-3-5/ 4-2-5 hybrid ("spread defense"). At times it runs a more pure 46 Bear defense, which appears to be a wrinkle that Grantham threw in against Georgia. What this means is that the crap defense we saw through most of the season has indeed evolved on the fly. It still has holes. I expect the defense to have problems employing both the spread defense and the 46 Bear defense against a more balanced opponent like Alabama. I would expect the Gator defense to be slightly better if there were a mythical rematch against Texas A&M, not because of the addition of the 46 Bear, but because the players are a little better at communicating and adjusting. The counter to that is that Texas A&M has become better on both sides of the ball since their loss to Alabama. Alabama's defense is improving more quickly than Florida's because they have added new features that seemed to have been missing from last year to early this season.

TLDR: the Gators are not in KISS mode, because everything is evolving so quickly this year.


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@Escambia94, in particular:
Thankyou, E-:
You managed to sharpen—to the point of a certain clarity...no small feat—several things that I suppose I had neither the time nor patience to identify, correlate and analyze well enough to bring to their logical conclusion, as I think you have accurately achieved.
Kudos: There is a LOT I could say in addressing the many implications of all the SUB-“points” that branch off from the MAIN-points your analysis isolates.
But in line with my title and original intent, I will instead try to “keep it simple” here:
“They” (all the teams you mention and/or refer to) are getting better, WE are “getting better”—and we can expect NO better (and if we succeed, HOPE for no more) than to be judged, in the end, by who we are, how far we’ve come and what we are CAPABLE of achieving in the potential time ahead.
Certainly, if we were to win out, we’d want and HOPE the Committee choosing and ranking the Playoff Teams to judge US fairly in that manner—and NOT simply by a few isolated and/or inflexible criteria.
For example, at present, our having been overtaken on the scoreboard as time ran out against A&M WEEKS AGO, subsequent events and outcomes on what can only be at BEST described as “a constantly and drastically shifting playing-field” should have US (in this case, UF and TAMU—but similar arguments can be set up and made regarding a NUMBER of such “pairs”, similarly “compared”) at THIS point at least EQUAL—or, more fairly and accurately, “advantage/superiority still to be determined as events continue to evolve and play out”...
As for me, and where I began this particular discussion, my title was NOT intended to apply to the GATORS, or the particular “mode” their Coaching staff has them in. Rather it applied to how I or WE should approach things when judging them—and in our expectations for and reaction to performance and results the rest of the way.
“Keep it SIMPLE, Stupid!”
Like, “What we see is what we get!”—and how we GET there will, along (obviously) with the actual results (“Just win, Baby!”—remember?), will determine our fate—which we have every reason to feel, think and HOPE will, according to “all of the above”, be easy to figure and come to be analyzed (and conclusions reached) in fair fashion.


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Trask has to be the front-runner mostly because he was the only one playing. Even Pitts was getting Heisman Buzz before the concussion. Also, Mac Jones is going to split votes with his receiver Devonte Smith.


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Trask has to be the front-runner mostly because he was the only one playing. Even Pitts was getting Heisman Buzz before the concussion. Also, Mac Jones is going to split votes with his receiver Devonte Smith.
All true—but at this point the various “qualifications” have pretty well fallen away, don’t you think?
I mean, the kid has sparkled, risen above all standards and expectations.
The story is an amazing one in every way, his actual “continued performance” hasn’t just been consistent but DAZZLING. And through it all, he remains truly and sincerely humble and thankful, spreading credit liberally around and away from himself to his Coaches and teammates.
At this point he SHOULD be a big part of the Heismann discussion. His performance has put him there—but the combination of backstory and personality puts him in front now, I think...


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Here is how simple this gets for Heisman:

The winner of the SEC Championship Game on December 19th, 2020 will be the presumed Heisman winner.

That's it. That's the Tweet.

Now for the not-so-simple stuff. Right now all the odds are against Kyle Trask. No team has won the SEC in the modern era without multiple top-5 recruiting classes and a 4 or 5-star QB. Note that Kyle Trask is listed as a 2-star QB, composite 3-star at best. He was part of the class of 2016. Future classes, backups, and athletes no longer on the team are in gray. QBs rated below 4 stars are not listed.
  • 2021: Alabama #1, Florida #7
    • (AL - Jalen Milroe, 4-star, Katy, TX; FL - Carlos Del Rio, 4-star, Cartersville, GA)
  • 2020: Alabama #2, Florida #9
    • (UF - Anthony Richardson, 4-star, Gainesville, FL; AL - Bryce Young, 5-star, Santa Ana, CA)
  • 2019: Alabama #1, Florida #9
    • (AL - Taulia Tagovailoa, 4-star, Hawaii)
  • 2018: Alabama #5, Florida #14
    • (UF - Emory Jones, 4-star, Franklin, GA)
  • 2017: Alabama #1, Florida #11
    • (AL - Mac Jones, 4-star, Jacksonville, FL; AL - Tua Tagovailoa, 4-star, Hawaii)
  • 2016: Alabama #1, Florida #12
    • (FL - Feleipe Franks, 4-star, Crawfordville, FL; AL - Jalen Hurts, 4-star, Channelview, TX)
  • 2015: Alabama #1, Florida #21
    • (AL - Blake Barnett, 4-star, Corona, CA)
What we can see here is that Alabama keeps rolling in top recruiting classes and blue chip QBs. The Nick Saban formula is to recruit better than the rest of the country year after year. The Dan Mullen formula is to recruit his guys and develop them better than just about anyone else in the country. Time will tell if this is the formula that wins. His first major test will be on December 19th, 2020. Can the Dan Mullen formula of turning lower-ranked athletes into better teams work against Nick Saban's formula of recruiting the best athletes onto the best teams? That battle will be embodied in the duel between Kyle Trask the 2-star QB and Mac Jones the 4-star QB.
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Here is how simple this gets for Heisman:

The winner of the SEC Championship Game on December 19th, 2020 will be the presumed Heisman winner.

That's it. That's the Tweet.

Now for the not-so-simple stuff. Right now all the odds are against Kyle Trask. No team has won the SEC in the modern era without multiple top-5 recruiting classes and a 4 or 5-star QB. Note that Kyle Trask is listed as a 2-star QB, composite 3-star at best. He was part of the class of 2016. Future classes, backups, and athletes no longer on the team are in gray. QBs rated below 4 stars are not listed.
  • 2021: Alabama #1, Florida #7
    • (AL - Jalen Milroe, 4-star, Katy, TX; FL - Carlos Del Rio, 4-star, Cartersville, GA)
  • 2020: Alabama #2, Florida #9
    • (UF - Anthony Richardson, 4-star, Gainesville, FL; AL - Bryce Young, 5-star, Santa Ana, CA)
  • 2019: Alabama #1, Florida #9
    • (AL - Taulia Tagovailoa, 4-star, Hawaii)
  • 2018: Alabama #5, Florida #14
    • (UF - Emory Jones, 4-star, Franklin, GA)
  • 2017: Alabama #1, Florida #11
    • (AL - Mac Jones, 4-star, Jacksonville, FL; AL - Tua Tagovailoa, 4-star, Hawaii)
  • 2016: Alabama #1, Florida #12
    • (FL - Feleipe Franks, 4-star, Crawfordville, FL; AL - Jalen Hurts, 4-star, Channelview, TX)
  • 2015: Alabama #1, Florida #21
    • (AL - Blake Barnett, 4-star, Corona, CA)
What we can see here is that Alabama keeps rolling in top recruiting classes and blue chip QBs. The Nick Saban formula is to recruit better than the rest of the country year after year. The Dan Mullen formula is to recruit his guys and develop them better than just about anyone else in the country. Time will tell if this is the formula that wins. His first major test will be on December 19th, 2020. Can the Dan Mullen formula of turning lower-ranked athletes into better teams work against Nick Saban's formula of recruiting the best athletes onto the best teams? That battle will be embodied in the duel between Kyle Trask the 2-star QB and Mac Jones the 4-star QB.
This really IS a bit like “the Jedi way”, with the “good side of The Force” (Coach Mullens in the role of “Obi Wan”?), vs Saban’s “Emperor” and the “Dark Side”, now that you bring it up and present it in the way that you did... I hadn’t thought of or seen it that way before, but now that it’s OUT there (OR that I took it that way and RAN with it) I have to say I really LIKE it—and though I can also concede that we may be “stretching it” here, it’s a fun thread to “stretch”, advance forward to consider its possible implications...
OK OK... I was ABOUT to actually DO that, advance some imagined projections as to where we could GO with all of this, but I’ll hold off.
Tell you what:
If Y’ALL wanna give it a shot, shoot a coupla “theoretical fictional “Star Wars”-related scenarios” out here (“For entertainment purposes ONLY”, of course) and THEN I’ll do the same, give it a shot. I’m with you...(Lol)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
This really IS a bit like “the Jedi way”, with the “good side of The Force” (Coach Mullens in the role of “Obi Wan”?), vs Saban’s “Emperor” and the “Dark Side”, now that you bring it up and present it in the way that you did... I hadn’t thought of or seen it that way before, but now that it’s OUT there (OR that I took it that way and RAN with it) I have to say I really LIKE it—and though I can also concede that we may be “stretching it” here, it’s a fun thread to “stretch”, advance forward to consider its possible implications...
OK OK... I was ABOUT to actually DO that, advance some imagined projections as to where we could GO with all of this, but I’ll hold off.
Tell you what:
If Y’ALL wanna give it a shot, shoot a coupla “theoretical fictional “Star Wars”-related scenarios” out here (“For entertainment purposes ONLY”, of course) and THEN I’ll do the same, give it a shot. I’m with you...(Lol)

I would not say it is about the Jedi vs Sith. What this really is about is finding a formula that works. Nick Saban has the best formula right now, and it works well for Alabama because they have access to the best athletes, they have a very long history of winning, and they have a very successful program by just about any metric. Dan Mullen developed his formula at Mississippi State, where he had none of the components of the Saban formula available to him. By the time Mullen returned to UF, the program no longer had access to the best athletes, it no longer had a history of winning, and it was not very successful by most metrics (other than still being one of the most profitable programs). By taking the formula that worked at Mississippi State and applying it to Florida, he may have found a unique formula that works--especially in the era of the transfer portal. Mullen was using transfers before just about anyone, because he had no other choice. What we may discover is that Mullen's formula could fall short simply because Alabama has much better athletes at every position except kicker. Or, we may discover that 3 and 4-star athletes can beat 4 and 5-star athletes under the right conditions. In the CFP and BCS era, it really has been a story of 4 and 5-star athletes, with the occasional exception. Florida is not looking for exceptions--it is looking for the formula that keeps them at the top of the SEC for a long time.


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I would not say it is about the Jedi vs Sith. What this really is about is finding a formula that works. Nick Saban has the best formula right now, and it works well for Alabama because they have access to the best athletes, they have a very long history of winning, and they have a very successful program by just about any metric. Dan Mullen developed his formula at Mississippi State, where he had none of the components of the Saban formula available to him. By the time Mullen returned to UF, the program no longer had access to the best athletes, it no longer had a history of winning, and it was not very successful by most metrics (other than still being one of the most profitable programs). By taking the formula that worked at Mississippi State and applying it to Florida, he may have found a unique formula that works--especially in the era of the transfer portal. Mullen was using transfers before just about anyone, because he had no other choice. What we may discover is that Mullen's formula could fall short simply because Alabama has much better athletes at every position except kicker. Or, we may discover that 3 and 4-star athletes can beat 4 and 5-star athletes under the right conditions. In the CFP and BCS era, it really has been a story of 4 and 5-star athletes, with the occasional exception. Florida is not looking for exceptions--it is looking for the formula that keeps them at the top of the SEC for a long time.
Geez—I was just having a little FUN with it...I mean, I don’t REALLY see Nick Saban as “the Secret Sith Lord” (he’s a hell of a coach; in OUR actual experience, it might be easier to fit URBAN MEYER into that role!)—but for our purposes HERE, Saban DOES kind of FUNCTION/FIT in that role NOW, and WE are out to somehow “win the battles” ahead during this particular “New Hope” (yes, I went THERE)...If that makes Kyle Trask “Luke Skywalker”, well along in HIS “hero’s journey”, well, “So BE it...” (and that STILL leaves things open for the seeming “unhappy ending”-version of “Return of the Jedi”—“Now, young Jedi, you will DIE...”—wherein Saban (“Pannitine/Sith Lord/Emporer “) zaps him, bringing OUR story crashing down at the end (the SEC Title Game), as would have been the case had not Darth/Annikan/(“Father!”) NOT been there to “rediscover” his “true self”, the “good inside him” still, to give Emporer Nick the ol’ heave-ho...I’m getting TOTALLY TANGLED here now...and who would fit in THAT role here, anyway? Dan Mullens doing double-character duty???
Needs work, no doubt about it!
And is that (that “they have MUCH better talent than us at every position” now, even on offense?) really the case?
I’ve NEVER been completely sold on the “recruit ranking system” to start with, PARTICULARLY when it comes to discerning between “4-“ and “5-“ Star players...Clearly, a host of circumstances, AND the COACH HIMSELF can make a difference there—and we have had a LONG ABJECT DEMONSTRATION in the questionable accuracy of such rankings, the potential flaws and biases that may have crept into and already previously, adversely affected those various rankings by the time OUR people even get to looking at some of these young players...Look at how many times “can’t miss” kids have missed after all...THEN look at Kyle TRASK!!!
Which brings us back to “Where we’re at NOW...”


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Meanwhile, Kyle Trask was named Maxwell Player of the Week for the second week in a row.

Read my comment above. It does not matter what we think about the recruit rating system, because it is here. Where some coaches succeed is in talent evaluation independent of the recruiting services. Dan Mullen is one such coach.


VIP Member
Meanwhile, Kyle Trask was named Maxwell Player of the Week for the second week in a row.

Read my comment above. It does not matter what we think about the recruit rating system, because it is here. Where some coaches succeed is in talent evaluation independent of the recruiting services. Dan Mullen is one such coach.

True, the rating system is mostly dependent on what they did in high school, measurements, their 40 times, etc. (like the NFL draft grades are based). He was a back-up for the starting quarterback of the U (who was a three-star guy, not much difference) in high school. The Gators had guys that were highly ranked and didn't pan out (Brantley and Driskell) or panned out elsewhere (I rather not mention names). The only reason the Gators found him was Randy Shannon (yes that Randy Shannon) looking at someone else. Heck, Trask would have had Franks benched earlier if not for an injury. Yes, Mullen is good with quarterbacks (Alex Smith, Tebow, Dak) and who knows what he can do with Jones, Richardson, Carlos Del Rio and/or Kitna's son. Not going to put Trask up there with Smith, Tebow, and Dak yet because he's still in college. Also, Trask is being protected in the 1st round in next year's NFL Draft.


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More than likely yes. Granted both Florida and Bama needs to win out.
Yeah, I guess when you eliminate all the “discussion and debate”, sweep away the extraneous distractions, analysis and argument, it DOES come down to that—and let’s not forget:
Just a few weeks back I for one just wouldn’t, COULDN’T see us being included among “The SEC Elite”...not even CLOSE, at that point: If you had TOLD me we’d beat UGA I still would have said, “But we’re STILL not ready to match up with The Tide!”
Take Pitts away and what we DID have (at that point, an offense “on the come”, capable of OUT-SCORING a LOT of teams!) would slip through our fingers too! But since that low point—the loss to TAMU, followed by our Head Coach and a number of players testing positive for Covid (and the late hit on our QB in the first game back, the fight in response at the half, our defense seemingly “improving”, but NOT ENOUGH!), then the VICIOUS hit that knocked out Pitts, our continued incremental improvement (but STILL not far enough, fast enough, to adequately change our outlook, even with the Georgia win...
Um, well, don’t look now, but the offense has shown itself to be stronger, not to mention more and more balanced, even missing Pitts—and meanwhile, the D appears to be finally back PLAYING ITSELF BACK INTO FORM!
Upshot of all of this:
There’s a different “feel” to the WHOLE TEAM at this point, a “coming together” AS a team. Continue in these trends, get Pitts back and continue to grow in strength, unity and efficiency across-the-board, and I could see us matching up well against Bama after all!
If we DO “Win OUT” and head to the SEC Championship PEAKING, who knows?
Provided the carriage doesn’t change back into a pumpkin at MIDNIGHT...


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And now that the point has been raised, while it concerns me that this amazing “blooming of Kyle Trask” not be (at least PARTIALLY) “wasted, then LOST” (at least to US) when he moves on after this season, things DO look promising as far as the “raw materials” our “QB-Whisperer Head Coach Mullens” will have on hand to work with in coming years...and the better things go from HERE THIS YEAR, the more true that will be ACROSS-THE-BOARD at every position on offense, as we continue to build talent and depth out there.
I’m beginning to feel better, see and sense a growing confidence in finally MATCHING UGA and the Tide in the quality of recruit prospects we are beginning to load up on—as we used to, and still SHOULD as the premiere program in the fertile talent grounds of our State!
If that continues, not merely a “trend” but a full on “reality regularly realized” on an annual basis, we’ll be fine—set up for steady improvement for years to come.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I know this thread was meandered about in topics, but for me this thread is about two things: Kyle Trask, and overall QB development at Florida.

Barring anything crazy he will finish with the #1 passer rating in Gator history (2020) and the #9 rating (2019)--counting starters or QBs who took more than half the snaps. Jesse Palmer actually outgunned Doug Johnson, but Johnson took more snaps and is considered the starter. Reminder that Trask was rated as a 2-star by some services and a 3-star by others for a composite rating of 3 stars. No evaluation system by Rivals or 247 or Yahoo would ever look at Trask and rank him higher than that, even knowing what they know today. Trask has the size, but he lacks athleticism and strength to be ranked higher. Dan Mullen even evaluated him slightly lower than Feleipe Franks. This is not a knock against either one of them. Look at their overall rankings below and see that they are very close in performance. Although Franks' performance was cut short by injury in 2019 and is not statistically significant, his performance showed that he was on track to improve significantly over his previous year with Mullen. Both Franks and Jones spent a lot of time in QB camps in the 2018-2019 offseason, and it seemed to help Franks. Trask spent a lot of time in the 2019-2020 offseason in QB camps (alongside Dariq King), and both of them have improved significantly.

Also look at the QBs recruited by Will Muschamp and Jim McDeathThreats: Jeff Driskel (4/5 star), Will Grier (4/5 star), and Jacoby Brissett (4 star). Driskel and Grier performed better after leaving Florida, because they better coaching to help them achieve their performance ceiling and possibly raise that ceiling (Skip Holtz for Driskel, Dana Holgerson for Grier, Matt Canada for Brissett). What this shows us is that the evaluation system used by Rivals and 247 is different from the ones used by coaches, because the recruiting services have to rank raw skills agnostic of a particular system. Urban Meyer is just as good a talent evaluator as Nick Saban, but he is a horrible evaluator of personality and fit for his team. Dan Mullen is an excellent evaluator of personality and fit for his team. Mullen also has a penchant for evaluating upside, which he had to do as the head coach at Mississippi State. Let us focus on Dak Prescott. He was rated a 2 star by some services, and 3 stars by others, for a composite ranking of 3 stars. Dak was recruited by LSU and Louisiana Tech for the class of 2011. Why did LSU pass on Dak? In 2011 LSU took 4-star QB Zach Mettenberger, 4-star QB Jerrard Randall (recruited originally by Billy Gonzalez before he rejoined Dan Mullen's staff; Randall later transferred to Arizona under Rich Rodriguez), and 3-star QB Stephen Rivers (later transferred to Vanderbilt). Reminder that Urban Meyer basically recruited by matching his evaluations against the recruiting services, because he could. Where Meyer failed compared to Saban was in evaluating personality and fit. Saban's recruits know their place as soon as they set foot on campus. Meyer's recruits have historically run rampant on campus since 2006. Mullen's recruits for some reason seem to join a family. There is no talent evaluation service on the planet that measures personality and fit, and that his one of Mullen's strengths that sets him apart from Meyer and maybe Saban.

FLORIDA 2020 Kyle Trask GRSR 148/211 70.10% 2171 YDS 28 TD 3 INT 197.50 RAT
FLORIDA 1995 Danny Wuerffel JR 210/325 64.60% 3266 YDS 35 TD 10 INT 178.40 RAT
WEST VIRGINIA 2018 Will Grier RSR 266/397 67.00% 3864 YDS 37 TD 8 INT 175.50 RAT
FLORIDA 1998 Jesse Palmer SO 73/123 59.30% 1246 YDS 14 TD 5 INT 173.90 RAT
FLORIDA 2001 Brock Berlin SO 36/60 59.90% 483 YDS 9 TD 1 INT 173.80 RAT
FLORIDA 2019 Feleipe Franks RJR 54/71 76.10% 698 YDS 5 TD 3 INT 173.40 RAT
FLORIDA 2007 Tim Tebow SO 234/350 66.90% 3286 YDS 32 TD 6 INT 172.50 RAT
FLORIDA 2008 Tim Tebow JR 192/298 64.40% 2746 YDS 30 TD 4 INT 172.40 RAT
FLORIDA 2001 Rex Grossman SO 259/395 65.60% 3896 YDS 34 TD 12 INT 170.80 RAT
FLORIDA 1996 Danny Wuerffel SR 207/360 57.50% 3625 YDS 39 TD 13 INT 170.60 RAT
FLORIDA 2009 Tim Tebow SR 213/314 67.80% 2895 YDS 21 TD 5 INT 164.20 RAT
WEST VIRGINIA 2017 Will Grier RJR 250/388 64.40% 3490 YDS 34 TD 12 INT 162.70 RAT
FLORIDA 2000 Rex Grossman FR 131/212 61.80% 1866 YDS 21 TD 7 INT 161.80 RAT
ARKANSAS 2020 Feleipe Franks GRSR 138/202 68.30% 1678 YDS 16 TD 3 INT 161.30 RAT
FLORIDA 2019 Kyle Trask RJR 237/354 66.90% 2941 YDS 25 TD 7 INT 156.20 RAT
FLORIDA 1994 Danny Wuerffel SO 132/212 62.30% 1754 YDS 18 TD 9 INT 151.30 RAT
FLORIDA 2014 Treon Harris FR 55/111 49.50% 1019 YDS 9 TD 4 INT 146.20 RAT
FLORIDA 1993 Danny Wuerffel FR 159/273 58.20% 2230 YDS 22 TD 10 INT 146.10 RAT
FLORIDA 2015 Will Grier FR 105/160 65.60% 1202 YDS 10 TD 3 INT 145.60 RAT
FLORIDA 1998 Doug Johnson JR 154/274 56.20% 2346 YDS 19 TD 8 INT 145.20 RAT
FLORIDA 2004 Chris Leak SO 238/399 59.60% 3197 YDS 29 TD 12 INT 144.90 RAT
FLORIDA 2006 Chris Leak SR 232/365 63.60% 2942 YDS 23 TD 13 INT 144.90 RAT
FLORIDA 2018 Feleipe Franks RSO 175/299 58.50% 2284 YDS 23 TD 6 INT 144.10 RAT
FLORIDA 2011 John Brantley SR 144/240 60.00% 2044 YDS 11 TD 7 INT 140.80 RAT
MIAMI (FL) 2004 Brock Berlin SR 195/348 56.00% 2680 YDS 22 TD 6 INT 138.10 RAT
NC STATE 2013 Jacoby Brissett JR 221/370 59.70% 2606 YDS 23 TD 5 INT 136.70 RAT
FLORIDA 2005 Chris Leak JR 235/374 62.80% 2639 YDS 20 TD 6 INT 136.50 RAT
FLORIDA 2013 Jeff Driskel JR 42/61 68.90% 477 YDS 2 TD 3 INT 135.50 RAT
FLORIDA 1997 Doug Johnson SO 148/269 55.00% 2023 YDS 21 TD 12 INT 135.00 RAT
FLORIDA 2012 Jacoby Brissett SO 23/35 65.70% 249 YDS 1 TD 0 INT 134.90 RAT
FLORIDA 2003 Chris Leak FR 190/320 59.40% 2435 YDS 16 TD 11 INT 132.90 RAT
FLORIDA 1999 Doug Johnson SR 190/337 56.40% 2574 YDS 20 TD 13 INT 132.40 RAT
FLORIDA 2012 Jeff Driskel SO 156/245 63.70% 1646 YDS 12 TD 5 INT 132.20 RAT
NC STATE 2014 Jacoby Brissett SR 237/395 60.00% 2662 YDS 20 TD 6 INT 130.30 RAT
FLORIDA 2016 Austin Appleby TR-SR 127/209 60.80% 1447 YDS 10 TD 7 INT 128.00 RAT
FLORIDA 2000 Jesse Palmer SR 116/223 52.00% 1653 YDS 11 TD 4 INT 127.00 RAT
FLORIDA 2002 Rex Grossman JR 287/503 57.10% 3402 YDS 22 TD 17 INT 121.50 RAT
MIAMI (FL) 2003 Brock Berlin JR 211/352 59.90% 2419 YDS 12 TD 17 INT 119.30 RAT
FLORIDA 2016 Luke Del Rio TR-SO 114/201 56.70% 1358 YDS 8 TD 8 INT 118.60 RAT
FLORIDA 2015 Treon Harris SO 119/235 50.60% 1676 YDS 9 TD 6 INT 118.10 RAT
FLORIDA 2010 John Brantley JR 200/329 60.80% 2061 YDS 9 TD 10 INT 116.40 RAT
FLORIDA 2017 Luke Del Rio TR-JR 16/25 64.00% 138 YDS 1 TD 1 INT 115.60 RAT
FLORIDA 2017 Feleipe Franks RFR 125/229 54.60% 1438 YDS 9 TD 8 INT 113.30 RAT
FLORIDA 2014 Jeff Driskel JR 114/212 53.80% 1140 YDS 9 TD 10 INT 103.50 RAT
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