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Is it about coaches or players?

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Is it the players or the coaches?
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Players or coaches?
The easy answer is both, of course. Who is responsible for success and failure? Can a good coach get fired because of bad players? Can good players be let down by a bad coach?
I asked Roland Thornqvist, the Florida women’s tennis coach, and he said it takes both.
“What percentage of each, I’ll let the experts decide,” he said.
So who was the worst coach to win because he had great players? And who was the best coach who won despite not having great players?

Source: GatorSports.com - Dooley's Desk


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The correct answer is,"both". The debate is to what percentage that is. I say it is 60% on the coach and his assistants. They are paid to work their magic, but players' "salaries", or full scholarship, needs to be paid with athletic, academic, and behavioral effort.

Steve Spurrier won six SEC championships with less talent than UGA and other teams, so he gets my vote for coaches that won with less talent. Mark Richt frequently garners the best talent and decent coaches, yet failed to win the games he should have won. He gets my vote for most under performing coach.

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