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Gators Open With A Win


Gator Fan
The Florida Gators opened the 2009 football season with a 62-3 win over the Charleston Southern Buccaneers on Saturday. As expected, most of the Gator starter sonly played the first half, at which point the Gators were already up 42-3. No one expected the Bucs to come into The Swamp and win the game, but you have to admire a small school like that showing heart and trying their hardest to score point. The Bucs were just outmatched in every aspect of the game.

Gator quarterback Tim Tebow was 10/15 for 188 yards and a touchdown (he also rushed for a score). Riley Cooper seemed to benefit most from Tebow's passes having caught 5 of them for 105 yards, including a 68 yard completion. Tight End Aaron Hernandez was on the receiving end of Tebow's only touchdown pass of the night.

You have to be very impressed with the way the Gators ran the ball. I know they were running against Charleston Southern, but the players showed speed and great field vision that would have dominated any defense. Jeff Demps scored two touchdowns in the first half. He carried the ball 5 times for 89 yards, with a 41 yard run. Chris Rainey only had one carry, but he made it count by taking a 76 yard run to the house for a score. Moody received the bulk of the carries in the second half. He did what he's supposed to do... be a brusing back. Moody had 9 carries for 86 yards.

Other notes from the game:
-Major Wright had the only interception.
-Brandon James had an 85 yard kickoff return for a touchdown
-John Brantley was 8/12 passing for only 67 yards, but threw 2 touchdowns. He also rushed the ball 6 times for 40 yards.

What is your take from Saturday's game. Did the Gators exceede your expectations?

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