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Gator Bites, Week 6: #18 Florida Gators vs Arkansas Razorbacks


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The Mighty Gators (3-1, 2-0 SEC) look to maintain their position as the NCAA's best in time of possession at 38 minutes, 59 seconds. That's 2:32 more than any other team and 5:20 more than Arkansas in 13th place. The Gators boast the #2 total defense in the nation, but the Razorbacks hold strong with the #31 defense after keeping it close against the vaunted aTm offense. The Gators have the #36 rushing offense and #96 passing offense, but Tyler Murphy has managed the 5th most efficient offense for two straight weeks. The Razorbacks also feature a strong offensive and defensive line with a potent rushing offense ranked 21st in the nation. Arkansas may be more dangerous passing the ball if Brandon Allen is healthy from surgery and energized from the close game against aTm.


VIP Member
I don't look for this to be a easy game for us. Once again it will be exciting to see what Tyler does with the start. But night games seem like they don't come often so the swamp should be rocking, and on third down with our fans going wild it will be nice to see if this gets the defense fired up anymore. I think we will win by ten after the final whistle. Matt Jones showed glimpses last week of his old self , hopefully we will see more. Go gators.


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Well, this is a game that looks to be a tough one--but without all the factors that I feel contributed to the "perfect storm" of tension and screw-ups that marked the Miami game--and made our defeat there in retrospect a near certainty...At night, in "da Swamp", our defense and running game starting to hit its stride, AND (yes, no getting around it) Murphy, rather than Driskel, at QB, I think we take a game that is close only for the first 2-to-3 quarters...Yup, I think we pull away in the 4th.
It'll be against the CREAM of the SEC that we'll face our real tests--and, unless we find a passing game, likely the several losses I feel are ahead WITHOUT a more dynamic offense (and accompanying game plan from our OC).


Gator Fan
Unless this one gets shown a major network, looks like I won't be seeing it... again.

I miss the days when the Gators were ranked in the top 5 - I actually got the watch them play.

Although... listening to Mick Hubert is a pretty sweet trade if I have to.


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Unless this one gets shown a major network, looks like I won't be seeing it... again.

I miss the days when the Gators were ranked in the top 5 - I actually got the watch them play.

Although... listening to Mick Hubert is a pretty sweet trade if I have to.
Yeah--Guess you won't see it on TSN up there...Pretty good chance we'll see it SOMEWHERE on cable down here in TX, where I am--but I haven't really even checked yet. Gotta friend with one of those internet "box'n'scrip", come emergencies (do you have that option up there? Don't see why not--at a certain expense, of course--unless the Gov't up there sticks their noses into it)...and then of course there's Champions downtown where the local Gator Alumni Club takes over the back room--and at least ONE 50" LCD--each Saturday...


Gator Fan
Hope so--just haven't checked...Think I heard that, tho' (but they don't have it up "North" anyway).
Yeah. True story.

If it's not on Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, or possibly PeachTree (but they like Georgia teams), I don't get to watch it live. I've been looking into sites that will stream it for me, but without much luck (lots of such sites are snobby and won't play for out-of-US IPs (and yes, I can just run a VPN and all...).

Wow... if I used more allcaps, someone might confuse me and my ( ) for DRU.... :p


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Yeah. True story.

If it's not on Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, or possibly PeachTree (but they like Georgia teams), I don't get to watch it live. I've been looking into sites that will stream it for me, but without much luck (lots of such sites are snobby and won't play for out-of-US IPs (and yes, I can just run a VPN and all...).

Wow... if I used more allcaps, someone might confuse me and my ( ) for DRU.... :p
Hey--I'm trying to cut down (and everyone cut me some slack...I'm in the middle of trying to break up with BOTH my girlfriends--Why else would I be here at 5am on a Sat. morn'?).


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Favorite Cheer to use against Arkansas:
Inbred, inbred, Arkansas. Your mother is your sister and your brother is your pa!


Super Moderator
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Favorite Cheer to use against Arkansas:
Inbred, inbred, Arkansas. Your mother is your sister and your brother is your pa!
(LOL) Best one since the 'Bama "Tide's at OUR House"-cheer of old: "Round the bowl and down the hole--Roll, Tide, ROLL!"


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You can watch the game on mute and turn on the radio.
Or, for those of you who've been pickin' 'shrooms, reverse the two! (Think about it...or maybe not)
(See, this sort of thing is on my mind 'cause it's ACL-week here, first of TWO weekends this time, and I was out on 6th St. last night, witnessing the "splendid illness and decay"--a definite clash-of-cultures between the "young girls who can't drink--so OVER-consume everything in sight!"-crowd, and the "oh, man, look at 'dem COLORS"-kids...Very entertaining.)


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I thought it was on ESPN u.
OK--Yes, it IS on ESPN-U...SO: I take it we are all in agreement that this is and will remain our "Cheer, Bitch and Moan"-site for the duration of Gameday, Week #6, "The Good Guys" vs. "The Team That Bobby Assembled", right?
(By now y'all may be correctly deducing that I was up late drinkin' and prowlin' with friends here for ACL,and should probably aim for a nap between now and kick-off--Btw: One more reason to hope we maybe put this one away early for a change is of course maybe throwin' this other game up on the PIP, there being some interest in seeing if "Sports Journalism U" can knock off "The Poison Nuts" this evening and ruin Urban's day, week, hell, YEAR!)


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GEEZ--just peeked into the 'Noles/Terps game--and 63-to-zip??? See, THAT kind of scoring is totally beyond us--I don't think we do that starting at THEIR 25 every time!
I mean, can't Will see the obvious twin advantages of quick-strike capability? I know he does, in fact--but it's a combination of philosophy-based-on-pessimism--amounting to lack of confidence in THIS OFFENSE, I think: "Too many bad, counter-productive things can happen--and probably WILL...With THIS offense, better to stick with the things we can better control." Nonetheless, "Master of the Obvious" presents those advantages here:
(1) expands pressure on opponent's defense, increasing running game's inevitable effectiveness, and
(2) bigger leads exert greater pressure on their offense to score more and quicker themselves, expanding all the opportunities accruing to our fine, more and more opportunistic defense.
Thing is, even in a relatively mistake-free outing (which would have beaten Miami, obviously), our fine defense could do a good job but still be essentially let down by an inept offense, one that can't outscore what may otherwise be an opponent's lowest output of the season. This all changes, turns us into a very dangerous team indeed with just an average added two or three long passes per game. (I'm throwing that number out there based on an overall impression, mind you: I remember our "romps" turning on a couple of rainbows at crucial points in the flow-of-action. I don't think I'm far off...It'd be real interesting to see it properly examined statistically, once and for all, though).
(I was gonna hint/put that on E-, but decided "Nah--we know that the general IDEA is accurate, so..." Sorry, man--I know your wknds are already a full plate)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
This would be hard to analyze. There is no single metric for success, other than PF being greater than PA game-by-game. That being said, I would love to see more deep passes, but not if it jeopardizes the rest of the game.


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By-the-by (just like the sound of the "older version" of this expression)...Don't look now, but nr the end of the 3rd qrtr, Tennessee just tied it up with a rapidly "Gatorizing" (ie. as in "shrinking", losing players to phantom, non-contact-injuries all over the field--in this case during a GAME) Georgia squad...but here's a big play for UGA as clock runs down in 3rd. Who figured THIS for The Big Game in the SEC today? (Actually, CBS did, since it's the one they picked up for Sat. aft br'dcast--but that HAD to be a matter of "slim pickin's", really--only they got lucky here after all.) But here come the Vols with a big play, WAY downfield--they're inside the 10...Now inside the 2 first-and-goal...TD...2-pt'er to undo the earlier missed PAT is...GOOD! Hey, this is one o' those, what they call, a "BARN-burner"!


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This would be hard to analyze. There is no single metric for success, other than PF being greater than PA game-by-game. That being said, I would love to see more deep passes, but not if it jeopardizes the rest of the game.
Well, there is always a risk/reward equation at work in these deals, right? I just strongly believe that most college Head Coaches, ours included, fail to take into account the "risks" inherent in running more plays. Again, not sure where the Median is, but it at least FEELS like the more plays you end up running with these kids, the steeper the curve of "likely screw-ups" becomes. Of course, I'm seeing this thru' the lens of having been a Gator during the rise of their great offenses--courtesy of Hall, Shanahan, and finally SS himself, where "defense" amounted to eschewing the kicker and "hangin' half-a-hunnert on 'em!"
Now, can you imagine what Chomp's D could do with just HALF of those points-per-game??? (Just sayin'...)

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