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GameDay: "The Cocktail Party" Gators vs Bulldogs Sat.Oct.27


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How much was that his fault tho', mg?--Yes, he IS holding it a bit long again, but he isn't getting the time he should get either--need at LEAST 2 full seconds, and on these hits he's only getting about a sec-and-a-half.


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Good coverage, but DAMN--needed that sack to make the FG harder...they dodged a big bullet there, but you see what I mean about that INT stealing 3 at the end of the 2nd qrtr: keep it under 3 'til the 4th and I believe we still take this by a FG at the end, if necessary...now we HAVE to score at LEAST one TD to win this thing "UGLY", I figure--and with Sturges, I WAS starting to think, deep down, that we may HAVE to win this one with NO TDs scored by us...can't see it, now.


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Yes, we are "still in this thing"--but time's a wastin' and we have yet to show ANYTHING but MOS--more of the same. If we have an "adjusted plan for the 2nd half" THIS time, is getting to be "1/2-past-time-to-GO"!!! I'm at a loss, frankly--but I'm not Pease: OK, wattayagot, Coach?


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OH GOD!!! Another fumble...it isn't gonna HAPPEN today, guys--we'll NEVER recover from a second half of this type-of-thing. Very sad--so many chances here!


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Look at 'em over there--that's the first time I've seen our sideline look like THAT this year!


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I don't care WHAT happens now--we have a MOUNTAIN to climb, even with just another FG--Our guys are looking WHIPPED now...


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NO GOOD--Defense still getting it done, anyway...and THAT is a give-back on THEM, and POSSIBLY a shot in the arm of our offense--you guys have NINE LIVES today! Use Them!!!


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Well, STILL in this--TECHNICALLY, but if our offense can't somehow put together at least ONE LONG TOUCHDOWN DRIVE, we can NOT steal this one, simple as that. Score a TD now, and we fight this down to the wire...otherwise, slow death.

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