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Does Spurrier wish he was still in orange and blue?


VIP Member
Do you think in the back of his mind that Spurrier wishes he had never left UF and was still coaching the Gators today?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Maybe only a little. Not too all coaches get to coach at their alma mater. He probably considers himself lucky and blessed to have been able to return to the school where he earned his Heisman and lead a team to a national championship, but he knew once he walked away from UF that he would likely never get that opportunity again. He achieved everything you would want to achieve as a head coach. National championship? Check. Conference championship? Check. Mentoring a Heisman winner? Check.

Spurrier turned Duke into a winning team years ago. He is doing the same with South Carolina. I think he's happy where he is, with very little regret over leaving UF.


Gator Fan
I dont think he does thats why every year he is determined and focused on beating us!

Go Gators!!

i dont know exactly what is in his mind but i will tell you that he is giving everything he has to make usc a top sec program..

this is his 4th yr and he has been 1 game away from playing for the sec east crown 2 different times and he was just asked 3 weeks ago if he was going to leave sc after this year...his answer, was "heck no, why would i leave? i am going to have my best team next year!!!"


I think Spurrier is really enjoing himself as SC. There isn't the type of pressure there year in and year out like there is at Florida. At this point in his career, I think he's right where he should be.


Gator Fan
Spurrier's success will never mean as much elsewhere! I think in the back of his mind he regrets the move!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Spurrier will never receive the warm fuzzys he got here! I think in the back of his mind he regrets the move!

True. Walking into Williams-Bryce Stadium doesn't have the same warm fuzzy effect as walking into the Swamp, but as leakbrewgator mentioned, there is less pressure. SOS can enjoy the game, enjoy coaching, and have more free time to play golf.

The down side? It's harder to recruit top athletes into SC. I don't know why. Proximity to a much larger-budgeted Clemson maybe? Lesser winning history?


VIP Member
I don't think so, I really think he enjoys building our program up.

I think Spurrier is really enjoing himself as SC. There isn't the type of pressure there year in and year out like there is at Florida. At this point in his career, I think he's right where he should be.

i couldn't agree more with both of you!

he will always have a love for the gators, but his time here is done. everyone knows what an outstanding coach he is and his reputation for building programs. so he has nothing left to prove or accomplish at UF. at USC he can only further his legacy. i am sure he is happy at USC. until he has to play against the gators!!!! :bananajump::bananajump::bananajump:

i am sure he would really love to beat the gators, but even if his team looses that he will be hoping that the gators make it to the NC in he end.


Gator Fan
I think in the back of his mind he regrets the move!
Doubt that, but I have to agree w/ everyone elses sentiments. I just want to add that I would bet that he and Jerri wear Orange and Blue in private.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
he will always have a love for the gators, but his time here is done. everyone knows what an outstanding coach he is and his reputation for building programs. so he has nothing left to prove or accomplish at UF. at USC he can only further his legacy. i am sure he is happy at USC. until he has to play against the gators!!!!

Not only that, but like Urban Meyer has done, Steve Spurrier also has a knack for "righting" programs that need to get back on track - the most notable two being our Gators and South Carolina.


Gator Fan
On msnbc it had this

Spurrier and Meyer met at midfield after the beatdown, and Meyer said Spurrier told him, “Good luck. Go on a four-game winning streak.”

I dont know that he regrets leaving... but I know he still loves the Gators. Although he wants to beat them. I think he secretly pulls for them when it doesnt effect SC

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