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Cornelius Ingram???


Gator Fan
So what is the status with Cornelius Ingram?

I have read, seen, and heard about Tebow, Harvin, and Spikes but nothing on Cornelius.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
According to what Coach Meyer said back during practice for the NC game, he'll be getting ready for the NFL Draft Combine in March.


CI said this was his last year as soon as he got hurt. We probably haven't heard anything since he made this announcement at least 6 months ago.


Gator Fan
that would be amazing if CI would end up stayin another year, hes a great weapon to have on the field. but i definitely dont have a problem with aaron hernandez. i think he can be just as good or better at the TE. he showed how consistent he is this year and we can rely on him. he is also really versatile (watch the BCS game) taking shovel passes runnin up the middle for big gains. hes a big guy with good hands good speed and hes hard to take down. i love our offense this coming year again but ill definitely miss Percy

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