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Chomp chomp tebow!!!


VIP Member
Great game for Tebow....Great Win!!!! I felt like i was watchin him playin for the gators lol, except I think we have a better D than denver LOL....

Congrats Tebow....the haters r getn quieter and quieter!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Here is how the haters will hate:
- The Texans have one of the worst pass defenses
- The Broncos ran mostly screen plays, so the yardage is actually from good running backs
- Neither team is in the playoffs for a reason

I would counter by stating that Tim Tebow did all the things that an NFL QB was supposed to do. I analyzed every play and will post my results, not that my opinion matters.


VIP Member
yep haters gonna hate, but so be it!...

Escamb, cant wait to see it, I personally thought he looked great tonight...hes def getn more confidence n the pros....still a few rookie mistakes but he will get past that with time....


Gator Fan
How many times lately has a Denver QB brought his team back from a 17-0 first half?

Not too dang many!

Nice Job Timmy!



Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
They should've given him the starting job wayyy back in the season, anyways.. GO TEBOW!

I wish I could agree! Darn Kyle Orton for playing too well. Darn Josh McDaniel for not putting in Tebow in Broncos blowout losses. It is rare for a QB like Orton to do so well statistically yet the team lose 10 of 13 games.

Timmy's 2-game statistics track Sam Bradford's pretty well in the limited sample size--and Tebow has much less to work with than Bradford.

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