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chances of driskel starting


VIP Member
Next year we might as well face the facts brantley is going to be any better. What do you think are chances are of urban letting driskel start sordal like zook did with leak, letting him get experience in the offense, personally I don't think he could look any worse than what brantley has this year. 2010 LAT sucks, Life after tebow lol.

The Zooker

VIP Member
Slim to none. At best he'll get rotated in for mop up duty. I'm confident he'll be the starter in 2012 though. That's the current plan the coaching staff has.


VIP Member
I doubt that Driskel will start in 2011, there's Reed, Burton, and Brantley unlike Leak where only Ingle Martin was in the way.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
No way Driskel starts in '11. Both pages of our playbook are waaaaaaaaay too complicated to be learned straight out of high school.


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No way Driskel starts in '11. Both pages of our playbook are waaaaaaaaay too complicated to be learned straight out of high school.

Better redshirt him--keep him away from all those receivers he'll eventually be expected to throw to in 2012 as long as possible.


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I do want to say something here about Brantley, though:
We all expected much more from him, and there have been a lot of observation, analysis, criticism and excuses put forth as to why he hasn't performed well, but the simple truth is that he has NOT.
Some of these "reasons" are correctable, others are beyond his responsibility; too often he has gotten little help from teammates OR coaches. But he hasn't once "risen above" the difficulties facing him either--and there've been enough instances where he HAD opportunities to use that "great arm" and "pure passing touch", and it hasn't happened. Again and again, along with all the overthrows, we see him miss the proper choice entirely, either going too quickly to the dump-off or failing to recognize the "hot receiver" isolated on a safety with no back up at the line of scrimmage (to name just a couple of examples).
I'm sorry, but you can't just lay this all at the feet of everyone else "letting him down". Perhaps there is a "great pocket passer" in there somewhere, but there has been no sign of it at this level, not when it counted.
I don't see how we can count on him any longer, and I certainly don't understand how or WHY we wouldn't give the other options we do have at that position more time and opportunity there.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I do want to say something here about Brantley, though:
We all expected much more from him, and there have been a lot of observation, analysis, criticism and excuses put forth as to why he hasn't performed well, but the simple truth is that he has NOT...

Amen! Urban Meyer said it himself when he first arrived in G'ville, "This is Florida, where quarterbacks are expected to produce--Spurrier, Reaves, Dickey, Peace, Matthews, Wuerffel, Grossman..." Not all of those guys had the system that suited them or the best offensive line, but they all won or produced big numbers. I defend Brantley because he is a trooper and I want him to be rewarded in the NFL, but he needs to show off his greatness by elevating the performance of his teammates and overcoming excuses that we give him. Think about it. The kid was groomed since birth to be a Gator QB. Son of a Gator QB. Coached by Kerwin Bell, a walk-on Gator QB that became great.

Brantley is a bust. His statistics prove it. His win-loss record proves it. How on earth is Jordan Reed able to match JB's passer rating behind the same o-line, with the same receivers, and same dazzling offensive coordinator? Hmmm. And Reed does it with only a couple weeks of experience with the playbook while spending most of his time with the TEs. Watching Trey Burton throw, I can see why he has not been asked to throw more, but Burton's passes are no worse than Chris Relf of Dan Mullen's MSU team. Same offense as ours! Want to see another version of our offense? Today. Appalachian State. JB is running out of excuses and time to prove he is not a bust.


VIP Member
Also don't forget his uncle ex-LB Scot Brantley and Bell's OC at Trinity was ex-WR Ricky Nattiel. Also Add Leak and Tebow to QB greats. Next season, Meyer needs to hold QB tryouts for Brantley, Reed, and Burton.
driskel kicked lakeland's ass in the playoffs last night

515 total yds and 5 TD's and lakeland is a powerhouse

i think he could be starting next yr this kid is sick the competition isnt too tough and he's enrolling early


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driskel kicked lakeland's ass in the playoffs last night

515 total yds and 5 TD's and lakeland is a powerhouse

i think he could be starting next yr this kid is sick the competition isnt too tough and he's enrolling early

Sure doesn't sound like it, to listen to our Head coach--but a lot can change between now and then (he said hopefully, as if trying to convince himself).
As it stands, it sure sounds as if Meyer is planning on red-shirting him in '11--and in the same breath he insists Addazio will be back as OC, so what we're seeing these last couple of games THIS year is a pretty good glimpse of what we can expect going into NEXT--at least that's the apparent plan.
Of course, it COULD all begin to come together, the offense show signs of starting to click as the coaches incorporate what seems to work, or Coach could have been BS'ing everyone all along and have something totally different in mind, OR Urban could change his mind entirely about everything he's been insisting on and he could have in mind some new, innovative direction in the Spread Offense (he said hopefully, as if trying--aw, screw it, I have no idea, and will have to just wait, watch and see, like everyone else).
Would be great to see some actual competition for the qb job instead of just inheriting it because you are next in line. Pisses me off we have to deal with Adazzio for even one more game let alone next year. Where is the fireadazio website?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Would be great to see some actual competition for the qb job instead of just inheriting it because you are next in line. Pisses me off we have to deal with Adazzio for even one more game let alone next year. Where is the fireadazio website?

Jeff Driskel will not be the starter on opening day; however, some competition may push Brantley.

Fire Steve Addazio It looks as if the owner of that site stopped updating it once the "official" announcement on his return was made.

I don't recommend firing Addazio, just demoting him to OL coach, or promoting someone to offensive co-coordinator (perhaps Azzanni).
Anyone who has more than three plays in his playbook is fine with me.... hell I got tired of watching Tebow run the dive but at least he could make it work. We have no leadership on offense...from the oc on down... I want someone to get in a@players face when they make a mistake..hold them accountable, don't pat them on the head saying, its ok..you'll do better next time...attitude reflects leadership.... 5 bucks to anyone who can name that movie quote...


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I harbor my own little optimistic dream, where Reed is our starter going into game-1 next season, Brantley (IF he stays) is the back-up (for mop-up and/or if Reed is banged up), and Driskoll is there beside Brantley on the sideline, soaking up the new OC's imaginative playbook (employing an evolved version of Urban's Spread) and getting ever-closer to being ready to step in and make the offense (and the team) HIS in 2012.
(For my darker expectations, see my latest post over on the "My fear" thread...)

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