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Can anyone sit in the student section?


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Absolutely--just get a ticket for that side. Now, how you go about doing that is your own affair; the vagueries of Fla. law concerning the scalping of tickets and where/when/what is legal or illegal precludes me spelling this out explicitly, but in the case of a game like this one, against an unheralded foe early in the season (even tho' it's the first game and WE'RE all ready to chew leather at seeing what we've got, fact is there were still seats available this week), one could likely take a stroll in the vicinity of The Swamp and find the odd student looking to pick up a little extra beer money by selling his/her and a few friends' tickets for this game. That gets you into the student section. Now, if there are more than, say two of you, you may have to purchase non-contiguous seats from different parties, and then some negotiation will be in order once you get inside--more difficult as the number rises and the closer the seats in question are to "primo" (you know, between the 3o's and not that high up). Also, the whole operation becomes more problematic (and expensive) once you get well into a successful season and facing one of our higher ranked SEC-rivals (or FSU, of course)--than you'll almost HAVE to go online (an option also open to you now, I'm sure, but as I say, not the only way for this one).
Personally, I will ALWAYS sit in the students' section if I have a choice in the matter. I never wanted to be one of those "Chevas-drinkin' old guys muttering 'bout how it was in THEIR day". Turns out they have their own fun over there, of course, got just as good a view (well, of the GAME, anyway--hey, I'm still a GUY) but it's still more crazy-fun over on the student-side.


Gator Fan
Student section will be a little more rowdy than a normal section, but maybe that is what you are looking for. :)


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
I tend to get a little "rowdy" myself at the game...a few years back I made it to a "Cocktail Party", got what I was assured were seats on the Gator side, which they were--but among a large contingent of, shall we say, well-heeled older fans who regularly purchased and sat together, and for whom myself and my two other Gator-alumni-friends, then in our 40's, were "foul-mouthed young trouble-makers" (OK, so early in the game they were taking some cheap-shot late-hits on our guys and I leaped up onto my seat and screamed. "DESTROY THE F*CKERS!!!"--but I thought that was on the "List of Required Behaviors" in that situation, always had been before...) Anyway, like an amoeba ejecting a waste vacuole (you biology majors should appreciate that one), we didn't resist as we were slowly but steadily "moved" off to the edge of the (by then aroused) contiguous group united against us--a move we didn't resist, as it brought us not only into contact with more normally crazed fellow-Gators, but closer to the field AND the Fifty. Point is, where possible, you want to consider just what kind of a "game-experience" you are looking for.

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