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Butler's Revenge?


Gator Fan
Let's hope Mike Miller and Y2K are far from Butler's mind when they meet us in St. Louis! What a great game that was...

In Urban I Trust

Bull Gator
it will be in their minds as they have no chance at beating us, no matter how well they play.

I hope to see some former gator players in the stands in the coming games, mike miller, udonis, lee, and eddie shannon would be nice.


Gator Fan
it will be in their minds as they have no chance at beating us, no matter how well they play.

I hope to see some former gator players in the stands in the coming games, mike miller, udonis, lee, and eddie shannon would be nice.

that would be great. the only way Butler can win is if we are looking ahead to UNLV (Krueger)/Oregon. I don't see Billy letting that happen.


Gator Fan
I predict that we will struggle and keep the game close for the first half. That seems to be our style of play. But come the second half we're going to run all over them and win by 10.


Gator Fan
I predict that we will struggle and keep the game close for the first half. That seems to be our style of play. But come the second half we're going to run all over them and win by 10.

Wow 2Bits. Pretty darn good forecasting!

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