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Boring week ahead...


VIP Member
We have a bye week and the only game that interests me at all is UGA vs TENN. That should be a good game and a challenge for uga.

And what the hell is LSU doing playing a nobody, gimme-game in week 5?!?!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Man, the headline pretty well sums it up: I was thinking the very same thing word-for-word just before signing in here tonight.
As for LSU's patsie, well, it's more a scrimmage than a real test, but I'm STILL glad and prefer we have the bye this weekend, given how banged up we are--though Muschamp's point about the danger, "on the other hand, of losing our momentum and sense-of-purpose" by having no game at ALL makes a certain sense also...normally, having a bye this early would be ridiculous, a cause for some concern, even outrage, at the scheduling, but it does work for us this time I guess, as it turns out. Would have been nice if the Tigers were facing a tough one, preferably against a bruising SEC opponent instead, but that's not happening.
All in all, though the IDEA of a "relaxed weekend" at this point, with nothing at stake for us, in the abstract might have SOUNDED attractive a couple of weeks ago, the reality in now facing it is one of let down: like you say, Tenn./Ga. is about the best we have to look forward to, and the overall outlook is pretty boring. Tense and nerve-wracking as it may be (especially with THIS Gator team, this year), it's still best to have something on the line--a Reptile in the fight, so to speak...


VIP Member
The ideal situation is for lsu to have a blow away this week to build their over confidence and next week we come out swinging and take them down...

I have a feeling coach boom is gonna pull some tricks out of his sleeve for the biggest game of his UF career thus far....


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
We can also hope that UT bangs up LSU and softens them up a bit for Florida.


Gator Fan
Come on, be optimistic, Standford got beat this week, which them dropping will probably meove us up into the Top 10. Then you have Urban Meyers Suckeyes playing Mich St which will be fun to watch Ohio lose. Then we can watch Arkansas give A&M their first SEC win lol. Then watch Georgia vs Tenn game and hope that the Vols pull a crazy upset, along with Kentucky vs SC.

Alot of upsets have happened, can't lose hope, anything can happened, injurys, upsets, etc etc

I'm just glad our Gators are getting some rest and repairing the injured to prepare us for LSU, I'm confident we will put the upset, which could spark the fire our team needs to really start playing some football.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Good news in the off week--the Gators are in the top 10 for the first time in a long time. I am not convinced we will stay there, but it is nice for a change.

LSU once again looked vulnerable. Either the Mad Hatter is purposely playing his team low and slow in order to save up for the Gators, or they have some issues .


Super Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Yeah, noticed that and it IS nice, but none of it means anything unless/until we can win the next one and make it STICK.

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