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Myspace contacts


VIP Member
Does anyone know of any former or current player's "Myspace" links? Preferably ones who will actually add you as friends.....?


Gator Fan
Tim Tebow has like 50 myspace profiles, but I'm not sure any of them are real.

I remember hearing though that coaches don't really allow players to have myspace/facebook accounts.


VIP Member
Yeah cali, same here....I still haven't been added though. I am also very close to Latrobe,PA the Steelers training camp. I'm planning on going down a few times this year to see if I can get Dallas to sign a Jersey.


Super Senior Member
This one might be him! Can't exactly tell. But he's really nice, clean, leaves great bulletins, and seems so down to earth.

Plus he only posts every once in a while, seems like he does have a busy life (as Tim would!:)

so, I like to "believe" :) that I'm friends with Tim Tebow - lol! :)

it also has pics of him and his friends and family

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