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Gator Gameday 11/01/14 (Sour) Cocktail Party


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Ooops. TD...arm-tackles galor. Another Gator down. Safety Neill looks like his knee or ankle twisted. THAT bothers me more than the score. Somehow gotta get outta this season not losing too many good players: Looks like we won't be building much depth in recruiting this time around (UNLESS the new guy gets in here pronto, AND he and his people are hell-on-wheels out on the Trail).
Meanwhile, why doesn't that TD bother me more than it does? Guess I HAVE pretty well insulated myself with low-expectations.


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They're getting to Treon every time he does go back. This will be a long day. He just isn't getting time to do much back there. Run, run, throw on 3rd-and-whatever...Our D already over-extended, trying to win it themselves 'cause they know they have to...They'll be gassed early in the 3rd, and the route will be on. Don't know how long I'll stick around for this, unless we somehow wake up and get the lead--and how the hell is THAT supposed to happen???


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Brown with another injury, "new smaller brace under the large brace" he already had on...Neill with "lower leg injury", gone to locker room.


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We look terrible again.
Oh yeah. Who knows what this talent COULD do--but as is, with this offense as run and our defense over-reaching AND under-performing, well, we are DOG-meat.
That punt almost a disaster. Wind at fault--but Debose MUST have screwed up elsewhere, NOT just all the dropped passes last week to not be in there, even at Punt Return.


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Fumble. THAT will do it--watch. All we have today is the running game (Muschamp's brilliance again)--and as we've seen again and again, eventually something bad will happen when that's all you got and all you do. The offense continues to get further and further "down", and the D gets worn out early even when they stop them. About to be down that 2nd score.
I am SO sick of Muschamp not getting the obvious point right in front of him. I mean, I'm beginning to think he's not just stubborn, he's a complete IDIOT.


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Well, wind saves us this time. Think it'll make any difference at ALL to the final outcome? "Yeah!--We didn't get killed, it didn't get TRULY embarrassing 'til the 2nd half!" That's been the pattern to our losses ANYWAY...


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Even the announcers are talking about "moral victories" when it comes to the Gators, "staying in it through the 1st half.
Maybe Roper IS a damn fool. This is just about as complete a "surrender-with-(supposed)honor", trying just not to lose BIG, as I have ever seen. And it's our Gators that I see it happening with. Disgusting, just the height of disappointment.


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...Well, it IS just about "the best I expected" coming in...I just HATE that it has, that WE have come to this.


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How many "damn near unwatchable" games can our squad produce in a single season?


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Too many plays. too many chances to f-up....and there it IS, right in the middle of me typing out the point, I swear.


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At a certain point, it actually gets FUNNY, at least to me--AND the holder fakes and GOES! I was just about to say something like, "Whatta you have to lose? Go for it!!!" And they find a way into the endzone. Of course, that may BE the only way this team CAN score TDs--on trick plays. But do you think Muschamp will get that? Nope, it'll be right back to thinkin' he and Roper are coaching the 2nd-coming of the 1960 Green Bay Packers.


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OK...Defense starting to assert itself now...amazing what they can do with a little rest, a little SUPPORT on the scoreboard.
I still enjoy seeing our PLAYERS do well--just don't wanna hear ANY talk about this changing ANYTHING regarding Muschamp and our plans for the future...

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