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Urban Meyer: 'I'm not going to Notre Dame. Ever.'

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Pat Dooley was at Haile Plantation Golf Course with him, and this came straight from the horse's mouth. Suck it, Finebaum and Kerasotis!!!!

Link: http://www.gatorsports.com/article/20090713/ARTICLES/907139947/1136?Title=Urban-Meyer-I-m-not-going-to-Notre-Dame-Ever-

Pat Dooley was at Haile Plantation Golf Course with him, and this came straight from the horse's mouth. Suck it, Finebaum and Kerasotis!!!!

Link: http://www.gatorsports.com/article/20090713/ARTICLES/907139947/1136?Title=Urban-Meyer-I-m-not-going-to-Notre-Dame-Ever-


Coach Bryant always said, once you quit it gets easier the next time, the same goes for lying...

On Nov. 24, Deseret Morning News writer Dick Facer reported of Meyer, "He denies any contact has been made." Meyer said, "I'm not out looking, so if someone's waiting for me to pick up the phone, it's not going to happen."

"I plan on coaching at Utah next year. There's been no contact made. Period. It's almost comical. We're playing the biggest game in the history of the school and we're talking about that. That's nothing to do with nothing. [Shelley Meyer served her employer 2-weeks notice the next day.]"
Source: Deseret News, November 17, 2004

"Wrote Antony A Engligh, "Shelley will be heavily involved in Meyer's next move. 'She's a coach's wife, that's what she does for a living,' Bud Meyer said. 'It's a big job. It's a job that she (wants) to be informed, but she does a very good job.'""
Source: St. Petersburg Times, November 17, 2004

"There's been no contact and I really don't anticipate any. I'm certainly not looking for a job. I love where I'm coaching."
Source: Deseret News, November 18, 2004

"When asked by a young boy if he was going to be the coach next year, Urban replied very directly, 'I plan on being the coach at the University of Utah next year.'"
Source: Urban Meyer Coach's Show, November 18, 2004

"As long as I'm married, I'll be the coach at Utah. [exact date unknown, source is a local sports show]"
Source: Memory, November 20, 2004

"Though Meyer is frequently mentioned as a candidate for more lucurative coaching jobs, he denies any contact has been made. 'I'm not out looking, so if someone's waiting for me to pick up the phone it's not going to happen,' said Meyer. And there's little chance of that over the next four days. Meyer plans to turn his telephone off over the holiday break while he spends lost time with his family. He isn't expecting a lot of calls, anyhow. Word is out that he loves Utah, Meyer explained, and schools are funny about that. Despite speculation to the contrary, including a Florida fan-based Web site that reported a deal with Meyer has already been reached, the coach insists he represents himself. And that no talks have taken place. 'I don't have an agent. People are trying to get me to have one, but I'm just not comfortable with that kind of stuff,' said Meyer. 'I'm coaching my team and taking care of my family.'"
Source: Deseret News, November 24, 2004

"[When asked about Florida:] No. I have no real comment. All I keep saying is I plan on being the coach here at Utah."
Source: Deseret News, November 30, 2004

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Coach Bryant always said, once you quit it gets easier the next time, the same goes for lying...

On Nov. 24, Deseret Morning News writer Dick Facer reported of Meyer, "He denies any contact has been made." Meyer said, "I'm not out looking, so if someone's waiting for me to pick up the phone, it's not going to happen."

"I plan on coaching at Utah next year. There's been no contact made. Period. It's almost comical. We're playing the biggest game in the history of the school and we're talking about that. That's nothing to do with nothing. [Shelley Meyer served her employer 2-weeks notice the next day.]"
Source: Deseret News, November 17, 2004

"Wrote Antony A Engligh, "Shelley will be heavily involved in Meyer's next move. 'She's a coach's wife, that's what she does for a living,' Bud Meyer said. 'It's a big job. It's a job that she (wants) to be informed, but she does a very good job.'""
Source: St. Petersburg Times, November 17, 2004

"There's been no contact and I really don't anticipate any. I'm certainly not looking for a job. I love where I'm coaching."
Source: Deseret News, November 18, 2004

"When asked by a young boy if he was going to be the coach next year, Urban replied very directly, 'I plan on being the coach at the University of Utah next year.'"
Source: Urban Meyer Coach's Show, November 18, 2004

"As long as I'm married, I'll be the coach at Utah. [exact date unknown, source is a local sports show]"
Source: Memory, November 20, 2004

"Though Meyer is frequently mentioned as a candidate for more lucurative coaching jobs, he denies any contact has been made. 'I'm not out looking, so if someone's waiting for me to pick up the phone it's not going to happen,' said Meyer. And there's little chance of that over the next four days. Meyer plans to turn his telephone off over the holiday break while he spends lost time with his family. He isn't expecting a lot of calls, anyhow. Word is out that he loves Utah, Meyer explained, and schools are funny about that. Despite speculation to the contrary, including a Florida fan-based Web site that reported a deal with Meyer has already been reached, the coach insists he represents himself. And that no talks have taken place. 'I don't have an agent. People are trying to get me to have one, but I'm just not comfortable with that kind of stuff,' said Meyer. 'I'm coaching my team and taking care of my family.'"
Source: Deseret News, November 24, 2004

"[When asked about Florida:] No. I have no real comment. All I keep saying is I plan on being the coach here at Utah."
Source: Deseret News, November 30, 2004

Perhaps I should throw THIS at you:

1a. Noun
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

1b. Noun
A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect.
A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread.


VIP Member
I'm still not convinced. He has no idea what can happen down the road, and he might have different feelings in 10 years


VIP Member
What more do you need to be convinced?
Tbh, I don't think I ever will be. He can't really undo what he said in December when he opened this can of worms.

And who knows what things will be like down the road? Maybe Meyer likes it and stays in Gainesville his whole life? Maybe he goes down a similar path as Spurrier? Honestly, it's anyone's guess. He might have a totally different opinion in 10 years.

J-ville Gator

VIP Member
LOL at the bammer! Oh how envy is such a nasty thing. Spin bammer spin. Go back to Gump country and whisper this column in Slimebaum's ear.

The KING of the SEC isn't going anywhere. All hail Meyer! I imagine after reading this column, the sister kissing, moonshine swilling, backwoods slackjaw (and the rest of the conference), now feels like doing this.................:hang:

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
Tbh, I don't think I ever will be. He can't really undo what he said in December when he opened this can of worms.

And who knows what things will be like down the road? Maybe Meyer likes it and stays in Gainesville his whole life? Maybe he goes down a similar path as Spurrier? Honestly, it's anyone's guess. He might have a totally different opinion in 10 years.

Honestly, I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon, especially since he still has 2 kids attending Gainesville schools. Had he any real intention of going elsewhere, I highly doubt that his oldest daughter (Nicole) would have committed to Georgia Tech. One of the reasons she signed her LOI to go there was that she wouldn't be that far away from home.

Meyer has probably the richest talent base to tap from within this area, and really doesn't have to go that far to recruit. This means less time away from his family, and for him that's an added plus.


VIP Member
Honestly, I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon, especially since he still has 2 kids attending Gainesville schools. Had he any real intention of going elsewhere, I highly doubt that his oldest daughter (Nicole) would have committed to Georgia Tech. One of the reasons she signed her LOI to go there was that she wouldn't be that far away from home.

Meyer has probably the richest talent base to tap from within this area, and really doesn't have to go that far to recruit. This means less time away from his family, and for him that's an added plus.

I agree with you in that I don't see him going anywhere in the near future. All this talk about him leaving in 2010 is just rivals looking for something to hope for.

I personally think that there is in fact a chance he eventually leaves. But that would be SEVERAL years down the road and nothing worth worrying about now. I don't see him going anywhere for at least the next 5 years or so.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
I agree with you in that I don't see him going anywhere in the near future. All this talk about him leaving in 2010 is just rivals looking for something to hope for.

I personally think that there is in fact a chance he eventually leaves. But that would be SEVERAL years down the road and nothing worth worrying about now. I don't see him going anywhere for at least the next 5 years or so.

Your quote in boldface is pretty much the gist of it - it's what the rivals and the rest of the anti-Florida media want to see.
I agree with you in that I don't see him going anywhere in the near future. All this talk about him leaving in 2010 is just rivals looking for something to hope for.

I personally think that there is in fact a chance he eventually leaves. But that would be SEVERAL years down the road and nothing worth worrying about now. I don't see him going anywhere for at least the next 5 years or so.

Rivals are not the ones who are predicting Meyers departure, it is the national media along with Notre Dame fan base and Meyer himself.

I do not blame faithful Florida fans believing Meyer, but i know deep down you are all afraid he will leave. Hell, I love Alabama and Saban, but I am not so gullible that I would believe he wouldn't leave no matter what he said.

I know this, if Saban had made it known that somewhere else was his dream job and that somewhere else was struggling the way ND is. I would at least accept that it was possible he could and would especially if it was the one place he put in his contract as the no buyout school.

Meyer is smart, too many things could go wrong between now and 2010, or Tebow could get hurt and get another medical year or ND could have a great year. Then if he had already burned his bridge then what would happen?

All I am saying is this, it is possible and even likely and you guys saying it is impossible just sounds like someone whistling in the graveyard to me.

He would have to be a fool to admit he would go if offered, and you all would have to be fools to believe him when he says he wouldn't go if offered. Florida is a great school, but it is not Notre Dame...


VIP Member
Rivals are not the ones who are predicting Meyers departure, it is the national media along with Notre Dame fan base and Meyer himself.

I do not blame faithful Florida fans believing Meyer, but i know deep down you are all afraid he will leave. Hell, I love Alabama and Saban, but I am not so gullible that I would believe he wouldn't leave no matter what he said.

I know this, if Saban had made it known that somewhere else was his dream job and that somewhere else was struggling the way ND is. I would at least accept that it was possible he could and would especially if it was the one place he put in his contract as the no buyout school.

Meyer is smart, too many things could go wrong between now and 2010, or Tebow could get hurt and get another medical year or ND could have a great year. Then if he had already burned his bridge then what would happen?

All I am saying is this, it is possible and even likely and you guys saying it is impossible just sounds like someone whistling in the graveyard to me.

He would have to be a fool to admit he would go if offered, and you all would have to be fools to believe him when he says he wouldn't go if offered. Florida is a great school, but it is not Notre Dame...
I've said Meyer might leave. But he won't leave now. There's no reason to, and simply because Tebow is graduating is not a reason, despite what everyone else thinks. The whole claim stems from the belief that UF will be terrible in 2010. UF will still have plenty of talent, and while a NC may be unrealistic, the season will still probably be better than 2007. I would hardly call a drop to what will probably be at worst a 9-3 regular season the calamity it's made out to be by rivals today. In short, if he ever leaves, it will be several years down the road. NOT in the near future.

J-ville Gator

VIP Member
Rivals are not the ones who are predicting Meyers departure, it is the national media along with Notre Dame fan base and Meyer himself.

I do not blame faithful Florida fans believing Meyer, but i know deep down you are all afraid he will leave. Hell, I love Alabama and Saban, but I am not so gullible that I would believe he wouldn't leave no matter what he said.

I know this, if Saban had made it known that somewhere else was his dream job and that somewhere else was struggling the way ND is. I would at least accept that it was possible he could and would especially if it was the one place he put in his contract as the no buyout school.

Meyer is smart, too many things could go wrong between now and 2010, or Tebow could get hurt and get another medical year or ND could have a great year. Then if he had already burned his bridge then what would happen?

All I am saying is this, it is possible and even likely and you guys saying it is impossible just sounds like someone whistling in the graveyard to me.

He would have to be a fool to admit he would go if offered, and you all would have to be fools to believe him when he says he wouldn't go if offered. Florida is a great school, but it is not Notre Dame...

To whom it may concern,

The word spin has officially been removed from my vocabulary. It will be replaced with the word 'yellowhammer".

If I am a witness to an accident and the the law enforcement officer takes my statement on said accident, I will give him what I witnessed. As an example..

"Yes officer, I witnessed the whole thing. The red pick up truck ran the stop sign, hit the bule BMW in the left rear and causing it to yellowhammer out.

Another example...

I go out to my garage and check the washer for my girlfriend to see if it is on the yellowhammer cycle.


Gator Fan
What I am not getting is that Meyer had the opportunity to coach at ND already and chose to come to Florida instead....so why would he all of a sudden need to take the job now? This is not logical.

For all who are saying that the Gators are going to have a down season in 2010 because we are going to lose Tebow, and he would like to be gone before that happens, you are sadly mistaken. Take a good look at the other players that are on this team, in all positions and also take a look at what is coming in this year and next and tell me where the Gators will be lacking!

The Gator offense will look and act differently but in no way will it be less potent, actually it will have a better passing game which makes them even more of a threat.

The Gator defense is absolutely rock solid with even more speed and strength coming in this year and next.

Special teams, well they are going to be special with all the talented kids coming in wanting to get on the field.

Again, look at the average eligibility of the players on this team and the players that are coming to Florida this year and next and explain to me how there is going to be a drop off in 2010.

So take that out of the equation for Meyer to leave.

I know, I know, it is his dream job....please! If it was his dream job then he would be there. For the sake of argument lets say that he does want to coach at ND for the nostalgia as this is where he started (I think). Why would he leave when everything he has built is just starting to take hold and you are about to get the largest pay raise of any coach in college football? Do you think that ND will pay Meyer that same as Florida? No way! The reason Meyer will get a huge increase in pay is because he is winning Championships! Will he be able to do this in ND? Very doubtful as he will not be able to get the talent in ND. Not that the kids would not love to go to ND but lets be real and look at what it take to get into ND. Not going to happen. I agree with those of you who say after about 10 years or so when all of his assistants are gone again and he has banked 25-30 Mill and his kids are out of school then he will make the move to the "dream job". He will still make a impact for the school but he won't need the money or the championships any longer (as he will have plenty already with Florida) so it will be about the nostalgia and nothing more.

The only way I see Meyer leaving Florida anytime soon is maybe for the NFL, the Patriots in particular and this will only happen if Belichick retires. He has a great relationship with the Kraft Family.

Just my two cents worth as this is all this babble is worth.

J-ville Gator

VIP Member
Well, well, well. I just came across a juicy little nugget. Seems some staff members were in bammer a few weeks ago and are just now coming forth as to the reason why Slimebaum wrote his lame azz article.

Seems that saban is upset with Meyer for him calling the Utah coach when the Utes played the bammers in the Sugar Bowl. Word is, saban asked slimebaum to write a smear column slamming Meyer. saban is said to also be upset that the wr recruit from Gumpland (Solomon Patton) verballed to the Gators. Stay tuned!
Well, well, well. I just came across a juicy little nugget. Seems some staff members were in bammer a few weeks ago and are just now coming forth as to the reason why Slimebaum wrote his lame azz article.

Seems that saban is upset with Meyer for him calling the Utah coach when the Utes played the bammers in the Sugar Bowl. Word is, saban asked slimebaum to write a smear column slamming Meyer. saban is said to also be upset that the wr recruit from Gumpland (Solomon Patton) verballed to the Gators. Stay tuned!

You guys need to read Meyer's own words in his biography "Urban's Way," written with former FLORIDA TODAY sports editor Buddy Martin, Meyer refers to his Big Three coaching jobs, the only three his wife Shelley has no veto power to block him from taking a job at. They are Notre Dame, Ohio State and Michigan.

Then there is this from... http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20081120/COLUMNISTS0306/811200343/1065/SPORTS

Of those three, Meyer's self-proclaimed "dream job" -- his quote, not mine -- is Notre Dame, where he was once an assistant under Lou Holtz, spending five years with the Golden Domers. Meyer also spent the first two years of his coaching career as a graduate assistant at Ohio State, where he earned his master's degree. He is an Ohio boy who grew up revering Woody Hayes.

So why didn't Meyer take the Fighting Irish job in 2004? Because the timing wasn't right. His authorized biography explains, "Florida's biggest advantage would turn out to be Urban's and Shelley's desire for a strong family life, because he could recruit closer to home."

At Notre Dame, you recruit nationally, which means flying around the country, away from home a lot more. At a state school like Florida, you can recruit a kid, or several kids, during the day, and still be home for dinner, or at one of your kid's practices, that night. With a young family, that mattered a lot. But even with that in play, turning down Notre Dame was very difficult, as Meyer notes in this passage in his biography:

"I wanted to go to Notre Dame," Meyer admitted, "but my family wanted to talk about going to Florida."

Shelley knew how tough the decision was for her husband because "he left his heart at Notre Dame when we left there last time -- he really, really, really loved Notre Dame."

That's "really" loved three times, if you're scoring at home.

So, again, the main reason Meyer chose Florida over Notre Dame in 2004 was because he had a young family.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
UM should not have said, "I am not going to Notre Dame. Ever." He should have said, "I am not going to Notre Dame anytime soon." Poor choice of words, since he does not know how much his family will enjoy Gainesville in a couple years and he does not know how much money Notre Dame or another high-level program will throw at him in a few years.


Gator Fan
I was thrilled when I read this quote from Urban Meyer. Gator fans should be very happy to have Meyer as a head coach for many more years to come.

However, as soon as I read it I instantly thought of Nick Saban a few years back when he was coaching the Dolphins and he said something like "I'm never going to be the coach of Alabama." Then a week later he's announced as the coach of Alabama.

Anything can happen... but I turly believe Meyer is happy in Gainesville and loves the school.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
You guys need to read Meyer's own words in his biography "Urban's Way," written with former FLORIDA TODAY sports editor Buddy Martin, Meyer refers to his Big Three coaching jobs, the only three his wife Shelley has no veto power to block him from taking a job at. They are Notre Dame, Ohio State and Michigan.

Then there is this from... http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20081120/COLUMNISTS0306/811200343/1065/SPORTS

Of those three, Meyer's self-proclaimed "dream job" -- his quote, not mine -- is Notre Dame, where he was once an assistant under Lou Holtz, spending five years with the Golden Domers. Meyer also spent the first two years of his coaching career as a graduate assistant at Ohio State, where he earned his master's degree. He is an Ohio boy who grew up revering Woody Hayes.

So why didn't Meyer take the Fighting Irish job in 2004? Because the timing wasn't right. His authorized biography explains, "Florida's biggest advantage would turn out to be Urban's and Shelley's desire for a strong family life, because he could recruit closer to home."

At Notre Dame, you recruit nationally, which means flying around the country, away from home a lot more. At a state school like Florida, you can recruit a kid, or several kids, during the day, and still be home for dinner, or at one of your kid's practices, that night. With a young family, that mattered a lot. But even with that in play, turning down Notre Dame was very difficult, as Meyer notes in this passage in his biography:

"I wanted to go to Notre Dame," Meyer admitted, "but my family wanted to talk about going to Florida."

Shelley knew how tough the decision was for her husband because "he left his heart at Notre Dame when we left there last time -- he really, really, really loved Notre Dame."

That's "really" loved three times, if you're scoring at home.

So, again, the main reason Meyer chose Florida over Notre Dame in 2004 was because he had a young family.

Umm.....his current contract makes NO stipluations about going to any other school, unlike his contract at Utah did: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/graphics/coaches_contracts07/pdfs2007/florida_fb.pdf

And another thing: Kerasotis is a Spurrier-worshipper and will say anything just to stir the pot.

Not just because of his family and the ease of recruiting, Meyer also chose Florida over the Dome because he knew that he could win championships in Gainesville. I too read the book - several times.

I'd like to ask you a question, but since you seem to want to dodge the issue anytime I put you on the spot, I'm not going to bother wasting bandwidth. Besides, I'm onto your true motive, as are others around here - you're just here to stir the pot.

Seems that saban is upset with Meyer for him calling the Utah coach when the Utes played the bammers in the Sugar Bowl. Word is, saban asked slimebaum to write a smear column slamming Meyer. saban is said to also be upset that the wr recruit from Gumpland (Solomon Patton) verballed to the Gators. Stay tuned!

Well, if that's Finebaum's attitude, then he's a chilldish, sore loser. And if that's true about Saban (again, I don't like rumors) then he's just as much of a slimeball for stooping to that low of a level. BTW J-ville, do you have a link to that "nugget"?
My motivation is simple, I do not believe any coach (including Saban) can be trusted when they say they will not leave. Especially a coach who has lied and moved (like Saban and Meyer) before.

It rubs me wrong for any fans to blindly defend and believe that any coach will not leave their school because they are so special. Especially a coach like Meyer who has every selfish reason to leave.

He has accomplished all he can at Florida and knows that things can only go down hill if he stays. When and if Saban wins a couple of NC at Alabama I am sure other schools will come calling and no matter what he says (especially in this case because of what's at stake) I would not believe him.

If I were you, I would not read too much into what Meyer says because he has no choice but to answer the questions the same way every coach in history has answered "the question". " I am happy at _________. I plan to be the coach at ________ as long as they want me. I am not planning on leaving ________. I will be the coach at _______ next year. I have no interest in being the coach at _____." Blah, blah, blah blah, blaahhhh!

All I know is it is better to be realistic about these things. I do not believe Meyer and any more than I believed Saban, Spurrier, Tuberville, Franchione, Rodreguise, Nutt, or any other big time college coach today. It's a business and that is all.

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