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John Brown is a....

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
John Brown (5-star DT) is a GATOR!!!! This a very, very big pickup for us as we desperately need some depth at DT. Brown is supposed to be a beast and can really help us out on the D-line to go with all the great ends we are getting. This class is shaping up to be AMAZING!!!!


Gator Fan
I heard Pat Dooley on the radio saying this guy might not even qualify and that he can't even pass a special ed class? What are the odds he ends up in JuCo ?

PhD Gator

Super Moderator
I heard Pat Dooley on the radio saying this guy might not even qualify and that he can't even pass a special ed class? What are the odds he ends up in JuCo ?
I read something saying that he would probably make it in for January 2008 so we will probably have to wait a year. However, he may still be able to qualify for this Fall, we will see.


VIP Member
If he's good, he'll find a way onto the roster. Since when do grades matter in college football? But I sure would like to see ihm playing for us this year. He's one of those guys that could be an immediate starter.


VIP Member
Great signing... hopefully this man can get his grades up. He will terrorize the SEC for years to come!

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