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So who do you think our starting QB will be?


Gator Fan
Just kidding!!!!! I'm going bonkers counting down the hours to kickoff. Folks up here in Minnesota think that I am off my rocker for even knowing when opening day is much less the kickoff time. What a bunch of losers! Someone please transport me back to Southern football!! PLEASE!


Gator Fan
How great is it to be a Florida Gator!!! Can you believe it, we are on the way to a second in a row National Championship just like the basketball team! This country will be banning us from NCAA competition on Jan 7th 2008! It's all about respect!


Gator Fan
Maybe it's just me

but as a Gator fan, do you ever get used to the critics and constant haters? All I hear about Tebow is "Yeah, but can he do more than run? Can he throw?" What kind of questions are these? Tebow got the job done when he was in the game....PERIOD! It doesn't matter if it is with his feet or with his arm, he gets er' done. Let's not forget, in high school, he led the nation in passing yards for prep quarterbacks. Is that an acclomplishment? I say yes! Is Tebow a leader? I say yes! But Gator fans need to be patient and let him grow, let him make mistakes, and let him gain confidence as the "MAN" on the field. Lastly, in my humble opinion, we will see another National Title while Mr. Tebow is behind the wheel.

Oh, and not to overshadow Mr. Harvin's skills I forgot to say how excited I am, and how I am anxiously anticipating the breakout of Chris Rainey........ SPEED SPEED SPEED!

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