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VIP Member
Well it's official we have fired golly schucks jim. So now the replacement head coach search starts. We have made 2 bad hires and cannot afford to miss this time, or we end up like Nebraska imo. My top 3 are
1. Fuente
2. Mullen
3. Frost

It's a great day to be a Florida Gator!


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Well it's official we have fired golly schucks jim. So now the replacement head coach search starts. We have made 2 bad hires and cannot afford to miss this time, or we end up like Nebraska imo. My top 3 are
1. Fuente
2. Mullen
3. Frost

It's a great day to be a Florida Gator!
Well, it's finally here--even it DID come "suddenly and quickly" in the end. And even THAT was mostly by his own hand, er, mouth in fact. NOW we're finding out how there have been growing rifts, factions and counter-charges developing and growing behind-the-scenes--and a full on gulf already spreading between MacEllwaine himself and the UF administration, even his own AD. No WONDER it was looking steadily worse...things were collapsing on and OFF the field.
But all that, though interesting, is now beside the point: We put it in the rearview and turn our attention (and whatever reason and influence anyone has on anything or anyone who will play a part in the decision) to who will replace him.
This CANNOT be the usual combination beauty pageant/media circus/turf-war it had been last two times. All that must be set aside, open and realistic appraisal and clear-headed evaluation enhanced by bottomline, gut-level insight for the good of the TEAM, PROGRAM AND FUTURE.
We have GOT to do this right, GET IT RIGHT, in order to stop a slide about to turn plunging fall that will take a decade or more to fully undo if not accomplished NOW.
As for any "list", yours is one I've seen (with a few notable variations here and there) in a number of places...Mine isn't that different--But from INSIDE the UF Athletic Department the solid rumor is that unless one of the "contrarian alternatives" pushed by a handful of independent-but-powerful voices among boosters gains traction, it appears to already be coming down to Frost or Strong--where Strong is the guy many "have wanted all along", but whom timing may be eliminating a SECOND time. A year too early in both cases, it is looking like: WE weren't ready when Texas fired him (Mac already here--as much because CHARLIE not avail year before), Charlie not ready this time. Irony is that he was strong (haha) on our radar BOTH times--and I'm with those who say that it is doable THIS time if we really wanna go after him, hard.
To me, Frost is too much like MacEllwaine last time: Younger, still inexperienced in BIGTIME college football. Between the two, not only do we have more to go on between them, but in addition to longer, stronger state and regional ties, Strong has that direct FLORIDA GATORS experience and success here. And he wants it, by all accounts--he just also endeavors to make good his commitments and promises made to others.
I talk about all of this in much more detail and background in earlier posts (last 24 hours) over on the "MacEllwaine's Contract"-thread.
For now, lets just say that I'm not inherently AGAINST Frost's hiring, just feel pretty strongly that he's much more a gamble, a rather distant "2nd choice" at BEST--and some (possibly myself as well) would make good cases that he's not even that high, that among the various "gambles" every choice currently embodies, there are several that are better ones.
On "first consideration", anyway, I repeat: Frost just strikes me as too similar a risk to the one we made less than 3 years ago on MacEllwaine...That's probably because it'd basically have been made following the reasoning and advice of the same men as then. And we can't FIRE them: they operate thru "influence" (plus MONEY, as much as anything) behind the scenes. That'd seem to leave US powerless, but for one thing: They DON'T like direct public attention...They can be somewhat controlled, if necessary even blocked by the implied possibility of explicit, growing scrutiny. Of course, every BIG program has such men among them--and for good or ill, these men are often financially necessary to that elite status, challenges that must be met and moves that must be made, quickly and decisively, in order to stay there. So the rest try to work WITH rather than directly against them, even if/when they disagree.
Overall, though, we are DEFINITELY "better off today than yesterday". But "how MUCH better" can be proven or blown in this decision--how we make it and whom it leaves us choosing, molding and leading this team and program as its next Head Coach.


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
Mullen would be a good choice and Frost and possibly Strong.
Personally, mine would be:
(1) Strong
(2) Mullen
(3) Frost
...but my #1 Strong I have so far out front in preference, for so many reasons, that if it weren't him (from what I gather that'd likely only be if HE wasn't enthusiasticly sincere in finally taking the job if/when pointedly offered it), I'd at least think it thru again--possibly even then finding myself leaning towards one of the "out of left field" young but exciting guys outta the pro game...Kelly for eg: You think he couldn't recruit, then coach up an offense that, with talent and imagination, blow away most defenses--at LEAST excite a packed Swamp up and off its collective ASSES???
BUT I'm HEARING that Strong has been hesitant, hasn't given a clear "yes" OR "no" so far now that it suddenly isn't "theoretical"--and by now the once "fall back"/"plan B", Frost, now has gained the inside track...Just not sure that is a "holding pattern" that'd change the moment certain backdoor moves and/or decisions revealed themselves--or EVERYONE involved is letting agents, attourneys, representatives and "frontmen" cover their respective plans and intents until uncertainties are clarified and the "real deals" are on the table. Which could be DAYS from now, lets face it. Might be driving US nuts, but the reg SEASON is barely past half over, the first "official Standings", including those still in realistic striking distance of the Playoffs/Final Football Four, not yet released. Even with so much of OUR interest and future riding on it, "The Gator Coaching Question" isn't even near the top of anyone ELSE'S list of immefiate concerns--in most cases including those ON that same list of "possible future Gator Coach".


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
My fear with strong is he's a defensive guy
Well, the "Offense guy" didn't do a THING but make things worse here. You CAN find great OCs, and Charlie's teams have had exciting offenses when he is given time, savvy recruiting and the chance to develop it all. I too have had the very same concern--but by now have returned to the idea that the Coach HAS to first and foremost bring character and vision to the job. In the end, that's where the last guys have been wholly deficient. Strong has them both, I think--and if you hire him, thats reason number ONE.


VIP Member
I love Strong but not sold on him in a big time program like Florida. He did not do so well at Texas and he’ll have two years tops at Florida to fix the offense before calls fir his firing will rumble. I won’t be mad if he’s chosen because I generally like the guy.

Frost too is in proven at a big school. My fear is we take a chance on an up and coming guy and we are right back in the same situation.

I’d throw everything at proven guys like Kelly, Stoops, Miles and see what sticks. Not that any of these guys will consider UF but just to see.

Heck let’s see if Gruden will leave Monday night football. This is gonna be a tough hire for sure.


VIP Member
I love Strong but not sold on him in a big time program like Florida. He did not do so well at Texas and he’ll have two years tops at Florida to fix the offense before calls fir his firing will rumble. I won’t be mad if he’s chosen because I generally like the guy.

Frost too is in proven at a big school. My fear is we take a chance on an up and coming guy and we are right back in the same situation.

I’d throw everything at proven guys like Kelly, Stoops, Miles and see what sticks. Not that any of these guys will consider UF but just to see.

Heck let’s see if Gruden will leave Monday night football. This is gonna be a tough hire for sure.

No gruden or miles


VIP Member
I have been lurking reading the swampgas message boards. The rumor over there that frost is a done deal type of thing. Anyone know anybody in the loop ,that could shed any light on this?


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Charlie Strong is a defensive guy, but Florida's issues go beyond offense. Florida has a discipline issue, and Strong can fix that while being competitive with recruiting. I also have a theory that the death threats Jim McElwain allegedly received were actually tied to the white surpremacist being on campus that week and bringing a lot of race issues back into the spotlight. Again, Charlie Strong is the best man to fix those issues as well.

As for the rumors, Scott Stricklin cautioned is to be leary of any rumors. It is way too early for any coach to accept a position at Florida, and possibly too early to confirm rumors of being contacted for the job.

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