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The TEBOW Watch


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And maybe - just maybe - the Henceforth Unnameable GM of the Broncos will try to sign an actual receiving corps, as opposed to trading away the best talent they had for footballs and sweat towels.
PLUS, you can see the upshot of it all is that he is beginning to lose his belief-in-himself: when was the last time we saw TT down and hanging his head on the sidelines, even after a mistake, as we've seen him doing these last couple of weeks? It's one thing to take responsibility for your mistakes (and Tim Tebow always does--he NEVER passes the buck), but another entirely to begin taking the rap for your teamates', coaching and management's failings. Their only hope come Sunday is that he shrugs it off by then, turns the page, and plays with the barely-controlled-but-near-wild abandon in the 4th qrtr of a game that defense keeps close 'til then. Only THEN is there hope that those less-than-mediocre WRs and that practice-squad O-line play over-their-heads with inspired faith in their young leader, and somehow get the job done, one more time.


Gator Fan
See, I don't think he's losing faith in himself. I think he's too confident a guy to have that happen. I do think, though, that he's frustrated with errors and takes that seriously. I don't see him getting past the first round of playoffs, but I doubt anyone thought they'd even get this far at the beginning of the season.

I can only hope that The Unnameable GM will take this seriously and SIGN SOME RECEIVERS


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I think you're basically right on all counts here, FG--but seeing him THAT down on himself in-game was a first (his usual reaction to muddled play is to get cranked-up angry)...it is just SO frustrating to hear insipid fools like Call-in Cowturd jumping in gleefully with the I-told-you-sos, with no regard for what he's up against in his OWN team's management AND (lack of decent) play...there's something very sadly WRONG with the human character, so many folk so truly warped in their attitudes and general unhappiness that such a lot of them rabidly despise, resent and wish ill upon such an altogether DECENT and well-meaning soul as TT--never mind his "faith", which, though he wears on his sleeve, he never shoves down anyone's throat.
Meanwhile, his only HOPE of success is to keep that very confidence and fire alive inside himself, inspiring and lifting up the players around him and thereby somehow being in a position as a team to allow #15 to do his thing late in the game. It's one of the only really stirring things in sports this year, and a lot of us (not just Gators, either) long to see him do it at least one more time.


VIP Member
See, I don't think he's losing faith in himself. I think he's too confident a guy to have that happen. I do think, though, that he's frustrated with errors and takes that seriously. I don't see him getting past the first round of playoffs, but I doubt anyone thought they'd even get this far at the beginning of the season.

I can only hope that The Unnameable GM will take this seriously and SIGN SOME RECEIVERS

DeSean Jackson will be available.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Tebow Mania was great while it lasted--all 7 games of it with 6 wins. For 7 games, I did not have to listen to sports media spouting hatred of Tebow. Now, not only do I have to listen every media outlet taking back their praises of Tebow, I also have to endure snide comments from sports fans that see me in my Gator orange and blue. At this point, even I am tired of Tebow. For crying out loud, Timmy! THROW THE EFFING BALL! I am going to be selfish here and say that Timmy needs to have a good day against the Steelers, win or lose, or else I will have to listen to more of this crap for the rest of 2012.

Timothy Richard Tebow, if you are listening, THROW THE EFFING BALL! Baby Jesus, Christmas is over. Can you get back to watching over little Timmy Tebow? You don't have that many outspoken supporters. I am not asking you to miracle his @$$ into a win, baby Jesus, but give him just enough strength and confidence to stave off the media sharks and other Tebow haters. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.


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Tebow Mania was great while it lasted--all 7 games of it with 6 wins. For 7 games, I did not have to listen to sports media spouting hatred of Tebow. Now, not only do I have to listen every media outlet taking back their praises of Tebow, I also have to endure snide comments from sports fans that see me in my Gator orange and blue. At this point, even I am tired of Tebow. For crying out loud, Timmy! THROW THE EFFING BALL! I am going to be selfish here and say that Timmy needs to have a good day against the Steelers, win or lose, or else I will have to listen to more of this crap for the rest of 2012.

Timothy Richard Tebow, if you are listening, THROW THE EFFING BALL! Baby Jesus, Christmas is over. Can you get back to watching over little Timmy Tebow? You don't have that many outspoken supporters. I am not asking you to miracle his @$$ into a win, baby Jesus, but give him just enough strength and confidence to stave off the media sharks and other Tebow haters. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.
(Laughing) What, no bolt-from-the-blue? If He didn't strike down Call-in Cowturd by now, I sort of doubt whether He's gonna step in to raise Timmy's game any, at this point...Not that I won't TAKE all the help He (or anyone else, save The Great Liar--NOT John Elway, in this particular context) can give this weekend--for all the reasons that you cite. I, too, am SO sick of it all--though I DON'T mind wearing my Gator colors as a badge of lone courage and defiance: It's been that way before, and we'll get to rub it ALL their faces once again, eventually--mark my words. Still, like everyone else in The Nation, I could really DO with a "take-THAT!", shove-it-down-their-throats, inspired break-out performance from our young pilgrim-among-the-demons-and-cynics.


VIP Member
He throws a great deep ball....

He threw the ball great in the game. Yet again had a few WR drops to hurt his completition ratio


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Even with a couple dropped passes and occasional misses, his passer rating was 125. No complaints here.


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Just got home from one CRAZED scene: The local Gator Alumni Club normally hosts Gator-Watch Parties at Champion's downtown here in Austin on game days...after they apparently drew a rather weak crowd for the Gator Bowl, someone got the idea to host a Tebow-Watch Party, and invite the local Bronco and Tebow Fan Clubs (yes, there IS one here) to join them at Champions tonight...I had some friends who were going, and (though I had great trepidation) promised to stop by. Glad I did--it was NUTS! The ups, the downs, the yelling at the screen(s), the arguments between fans coming from totally different perspectives (there were some real hot'n'hostile near-fights over the play-calling from the Bronco sidelines in the early going--Gator and Tebow fans were dissing Elway and Co., and the Bronco fans didn't like it: --eg. "Hey Elway, how can he 'Pull the trigger' when the gameplan is to RUN every down?!!", and "The Kid won a Heisman, Foxx--let him throw the ball!"--then they opened things up, TT started hitting long ones and things got interesting, to say the least). I STILL thought they got too conservative in the redzone, and were taking too many FGs instead of TDs, but it wouldn't have meant so much had not McGahee fumbled at the crucial moment late in the 4th--or Bailey missing that INT he set up for beautifully in the endzone on that last Steeler drive...but it was all just prelude, everything happening as directed by some corny Great Scriptwriter-in-the-Sky: It just turned out all too PERFECTLY, sticking the ball and the game's outcome right in the faces, right down the THROATS of all the "experts" and their me-too followers: all the bitter whining haters like Call-in Cowturd, and all the rest--exactly like we all longed for but didn't really dare to expect. Watch 'em continue to whine and make excuses come tomorrow, oblivious to how it only makes them out more clearly to be the classless losers that they are (as things were, it was HILARIOUS to see and hear Merrill Hoge's stunned, dumbfounded and barely-coherent mumblings directly afterward on ESPN--they went quickly to commercial and you didn't see him on-camera again until a full 40 minutes later on their Sportscenter capper-segment; in fact, it wasn't until the END of that segment, more than 90 min. after The Play-to-end-the-game, that Hoge appeared to "find" himself again, when, asked about NEXT week's match-up, he proceeded to revert once again to arrogant-anti-Tebow-mode and confidently insist on all the things the Pats would and wouldn't do against him, and how that will mean #15's imminent demise THIS time).
TT's performance, his "Victory Lap" a la Gator-days, and the way it all turned out would have been more than enough, but I don't mind telling y'all how satisfying that outcome, coupled with the stunned reactions we've seen, the various no-class excuses we can still expect in the next 24 hrs., and HOW it all happened, is and will continue to be the next few days, at LEAST.


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Tebows eye black yesturday read :

John 3:16

Tebow threw for 316 yards.
John 3:16 - For God loved football so much that he gave us Tim Tebow.
That wasn't the only "316"-synchronicity--there were a few others out there as well...check 'em out in articles on the Yahoo News Home Page, You Tube, etc.--you know, the usual places...

Block O

I can't wait for the game this Saturday. Tim Tebow has enormous self control, I can't believe how well he keeps his emotions in check while people snipe at him all through the week. Beat The Pats!!!!!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Interesting. They still show Tim Tebow commercials in the Denver area. He is running a fundraiser for Denver kids that runs from May to Jun.


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Actually, in addition to the fact that TT is one of the most popular and recognized "celebrity faces" in North America, he is still held in high regard among a large portion of Denver fans--and there is a not insignificant portion who do not just question the move to get rid of him, but who suspect the once-unassailable-in-Denver John Elway of petty and selfish short-sightedness in the way he has handled Tim and the whole situation surrounding him. They are ready to raise a real anti-Elway backlash should the all-in-one-basket gamble (that the GM and owner of course are presenting as a "sure thing") backfire and come to nought. Since it would be far from the first time if betting on a young QB fresh out of college to save a team were to misfire, there is the possibility of witnessing the fascinatingly entertaining spectacle of a once-hero being angrily chased out of public life by the same mob that built him up in the first place. If that is what ends up happening, he will have no one to blame but himself.

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