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Kiffin's Tennessee train is already derailing


Gator Fan
It's utterly astonishing how smug an arrogant a guy can be who hasn't even coached a practice in the SEC much less a game.


Gator Fan
Kiffin is so anti-Urban, he should answer to "Rural."
Rural Kiffin has no status, no standing, no résumé. He was born sucking on Daddy's silver spoon, the son of longtime NFL assistant Monte Kiffin using his DNA to get a job with Pete Carroll at Southern California. Rural Kiffin then tapped into the charisma of Carroll and the tradition of USC and the glamour of Los Angeles, and used all of that to become known, by knuckleheads, as a recruiting whiz. Sure he is. You, too, could be a recruiting whiz for Pete Carroll at USC. So could I.
Rural Kiffin is no whiz. He has accomplished nothing. Do you understand me? Nothing. The NFL's most deranged owner hired him as coach, but that says more about Al Davis than Kiffin. But going 5-15 with Oakland says plenty about Kiffin.
monte backing him up in the film clip is hilarious and sad.....
It just gets better every day........

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