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Brian and Kimberly Gay give back again

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Brian Gay is one of the most successful Florida golfers on the PGA Tour. One reason he’s one of my favorites out there is because of the charity work he does.
This week in Memphis, Brian and his wife Kimberly have worked hard to get donations for St. Jude’s Hospital. The Gays will donate $100 for every birdie he makes to the hospital and have several other golfers who will do the same.
In addition, Phil Mickelson will donate $100 for every birdie Gay makes even though Phil is taking the week off before the U.S. Open.
And the Gaylord Sports Authority is matching the donation by Brian and Kimberly for every birdie as well.
I didn’t know Brian well when he was at UF but have gotten to know him and his wife Kimberly in the last couple of years. Very sweet people. The work they do to give back is nothing short of phenomenal. They have been major contributors as well to the Bob Dooley Invitational which benefits STOP! Children’s Cancer.
You should be rooting for Brian every week but especially this week. The good news for the hospital is that he won this tournament two years ago with a bunch of birdies. And don’t forget he had 22 at The Players.
Cha-ching for the right reason.

Source: GatorSports.com - Dooley's Desk

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